Opportunities to Respond During Dyadic Caregiver-Child and Naturalistic Family Interactions Among Children With Down Syndrome: A Preliminary Investigation
A Mixed-Rate Strategy on a Bilaterally-Synchronized Cochlear Implant Processor Offering the Opportunity to Provide Both Speech Understanding and Interaural Time Difference Cues
Word Learning in Deaf Adults Who Use Cochlear Implants: The Role of Talker Variability and Attention to the Mouth
Bilingual Children Shift and Relax Second-Language Phoneme Categorization in Response to Accented L2 and Native L1 Speech Exposure
Comparison of Linguistic Error Production in Conversational Language Among Boys With Fragile X Syndrome + Autism Spectrum Disorder and Autistic Boys
Use of Mutual Exclusivity and its Relationship to Language Ability in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Are items actively removed from working memory during free time in children with developmental language disorder?
Keep the ball rolling: Sustained multiturn conversational episodes are associated with child language ability