Antisense therapy in a rat model of Alexander disease reverses GFAP pathology, white matter deficits, and motor impairment

Hagemann, PhD, T. L., and A. Messing, VMD, PhD. Antisense Therapy in a Rat Model of Alexander Disease Reverses GFAP Pathology, White Matter Deficits, and Motor Impairment.
Hagemann, T. L., Powers, B., Lin, N. H., Mohamed, A. F., Dague, K. L., Hannah, S. C., Bachmann, G., Mazur, C., Rigo, F., Olsen, A. L., Feany, M. B., Perng, M. D., Berman, R. F., & Messing, A. (2021). Antisense therapy in a rat model of Alexander disease reverses GFAP pathology, white matter deficits, and motor impairment. Science translational medicine, 13(620), eabg4711.