Drusen in patient-derived hiPSC-RPE models of macular dystrophies

Gamm, MD, PhD, D. Drusen in Patient-Derived HiPSC-RPE Models of Macular Dystrophies.

Galloway CA, Dalvi S, Hung SSC, MacDonald LA, Latchney LR, Wong RCB, Guymer RH, Mackey DA, Williams DS, Chung MM, Gamm DM, Pébay A, Hewitt AW, Singh R. (2017). Drusen in patient-derived hiPSC-RPE models of macular dystrophies.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, 26;114(39):E8214-E8223. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1710430114.