FMR1 Low Zone CGG Repeats: Phenotypic Associations in the Context of Parenting Stress

Baker, MD, M., L. S. DaWalt, PhD, M. R. Mailick, PhD, and A. Movaghar, MS. FMR1 Low Zone CGG Repeats: Phenotypic Associations in the Context of Parenting Stress.
Mailick MR, Hong J, DaWalt LS, Greenberg JS, Movaghar A, Baker MW, Rathouz PJ, Brilliant MH. (2020). FMR1 Low Zone CGG Repeats: Phenotypic Associations in the Context of Parenting Stress. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8:223. doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.00223. PMID: 32478017; PMCID: PMC7240007.