Hypertension and obesity moderate the relationship between β-amyloid and cognitive decline in midlife

Christian, PhD, B. T., B. B. Bendlin, PhD, and S. C. Johnson, PhD. Hypertension and Obesity Moderate the Relationship Between β-Amyloid and Cognitive Decline in Midlife.

Clark LR, Koscik RL, Allison SL, Berman SE, Norton D, Carlsson CM, Betthauser TJ, Bendlin BB, Christian BT, Chin NA, Asthana S, Johnson SC. (2019). Hypertension and obesity moderate the relationship between β-amyloid and cognitive decline in midlife. Alzheimers & Dementia, 15(3):418-428. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.09.008.