Longitudinal Growth in Single Word Intelligibility Among Children With Cerebral Palsy From 24 to 96 Months of Age: Predicting Later Outcomes From Early Speech Production

Hustad, PhD, K. C. Longitudinal Growth in Single Word Intelligibility Among Children With Cerebral Palsy From 24 to 96 Months of Age: Predicting Later Outcomes From Early Speech Production.

Hustad KC, Sakash A, Natzke PEM, Broman AT, Rathouz PJ. (2019). Longitudinal Growth in Single Word Intelligibility Among Children With Cerebral Palsy From 24 to 96 Months of Age: Predicting Later Outcomes From Early Speech Production. Journal of Speech Language Hearing Research, 19;62(6):1599-1613. doi: 10.1044/2018_JSLHR-S-18-0319.