Multi-shell connectome DWI-based graph theory measures for the prediction of temporal lobe epilepsy and cognition

Alexander, PhD, A. Multi-Shell Connectome DWI-Based Graph Theory Measures for the Prediction of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Cognition.
Garcia-Ramos, C., Adluru, N., Chu, D. Y., Nair, V., Adluru, A., Nencka, A., Maganti, R., Mathis, J., Conant, L. L., Alexander, A. L., Prabhakaran, V., Binder, J. R., Meyerand, M. E., Hermann, B., & Struck, A. F. (2023). Multi-shell connectome DWI-based graph theory measures for the prediction of temporal lobe epilepsy and cognition. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 33(12), 8056–8065.