Theresa Cassel, MOTR/L, ATP

Position title: Occupational Therapist

Theresa Cassel, MOTR/L, ATP


Theresa Cassel, MOTR/L, ATP, is an occupational therapist and assistive technology professional working in the Communication Aids and Systems Clinic (CASC). She seeks the best fit for individuals, as well as both familiar and novel communication partners, to access their augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). This includes a comprehensive look at the individual, their environment, and goals with AAC. She assesses fine and gross motor skills, motor planning, vision and visual motor coordination, sensory systems, regulation, sequencing, attention, and positioning. She is passionate about holistic care, accessibility, and universal design.


Communication Aids & Systems Clinic (CASC)

Professional Certification and Education

  • Assistive Technology Professional Board Certification (ATP) – RESNA
  • Certificate Assistive Technology, University of Illinois- Chicago
  • Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT), Occupational therapy, Quinnipiac University
  • Bachelors (BS), Health Science Studies, Quinnipiac University
  • Registered Yoga Teacher, RYT-200hr, and Childlight Certified
  • Bal-A-Vis-X
  • Therapeutic Listening Program
  • PAMPCA Physical Agent Modalities Certification