UCEDD Website Request Form Website Request Form This form was created to collect data from UCEDD staff wishing to create a new website.1. Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY 2. Name(Required) First Last 3. NetID Username(Required) 4. Preferred Email Address(Required) 5. Your Role(Required) Fac/Staff Student Other 6. Are you the primary contact for this site?(Required)Note: Students cannot be primary contacts for WiscWeb sites. Please designate a full-time staff or faculty member as your primary contact. Yes No 7. Site URL What would you like as your site url? Examples: sitename.waisman.wisc.edu ucedd.waisman.wisc.edu cow.waisman.wisc.edu List your preferred site url:(Required) 8. Site Title The Site Title appears on the top of every page, just to the right of the Waisman Logo Circles (see image below). List your preferred site title:(Required) 9. Please provide a description of your site:(Required)CAPTCHAThis is used for spam protection. If you have accessibility concerns regarding the use of this form, please contact Linda Rowley at rowley@waisman.wisc.eduCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.