UCEDD Website User Agreement User Agreement "*" indicates required fields Required form for those wishing to create a UCEDD-related website. Please review the following statements and check "Yes" next to each item. Contact Linda Rowley at rowley@waisman.wisc.edu with questions. 1. Today's Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY 2. I agree to ensure the requested website meets accessibility guidelines.*See Website Accessibility for details. Yes 3. I agree to use the Waisman Center child theme*See Child Theme for details. Yes 4. I agree to use the Waisman Center site icon*See Site Icon for details. Yes 5. I understand agree to use AP and Waisman styles*See Style for details. Yes 6. I agree to use footer conventions*See Footer for details. Yes 7. I agree to including basic project information on the website*See Project Information for details. Yes 8. I agree to update the website at least once every 6 months*See Website Updates for details. Yes 9. We will review and update our website as needed, but at least every 6 months. Our 6-month review schedule will be:* January & July February & August March & September April & October May & November June & December By typing my name, email and project name below, I agree to statements 1 - 7 above.Name First Last Email Name of Project CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.