Consultation, Support, Training

Individual training

A primary goal of the CMN core is to train users to independence. Typically this requires a one or two hour training session followed by periodic check ins. We also bring in specialists to go over new techniques or technology and also provide access to other educational opportunities (webinars, workshops) where possible. Contact the CMN Core for training.

Research Program development

Another goal of the CMN core is to introduce new users to new techniques and scientific opportunities. We hope to serve as intellectual resource for IDDRC investigators who are uncertain how to measure a biological characteristic of their study population or disease model. These questions have come up repeatedly among behavioral scientists interested in generating genetic or biologic data as a correlate to their behavioral end-points. Contact the CMN Core for discussion.

UWBC delivery service

The CMN core provides a delivery service to the UWBC. Users can bring their DNA sequencing samples to the core (Room T635), log-in to the UWBC Sequencing platform remotely, and their samples will be delivered to the UWBC Tuesdays and Thursdays by 1 pm. Users can request that Oligonucleotide samples prepared by the UWBC be picked up. Contact the CMN Core with questions.