Waisman Center
Leadership IDDRC Executive Committee Scientific Cores Leadership Investigators Administrative Core Staff
UCEDD Steering Committee Clinic Staff Autism Treatment Program Constituent Advisory Committee
Waisman Directory with Work Units
Name | Empl Class Code | Job Title | Work Unit | Email Address | Business Phone | Office # | Supervisor | Supervisor Email Address |
Abdi, Roghayeh (Roya) | Project Assistant | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | rabdi@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7483 | 567 | Litovsky, Ruth | ruth.litovsky@wisc.edu | |
Ackerman, Allison | AS | Speech Language Pathologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | allison.ackerman@wisc.edu | (608) 261-1928 | 331 | Seale, Jennifer | jseale@wisc.edu |
Adluru, Nagesh | AS | Scientist III | Brain Imaging Core | adluru@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2671 | T129 | Alexander, Andrew | ALALEXANDER2@WISC.EDU |
Agudemu, Fnu | Research Associate | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | dagu@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7483 | 523 | Litovsky, Ruth | ruth.litovsky@wisc.edu | |
Aguirre Mtanou, Nahime | Project Assistant | Aging and Health Equity in Autism and Developmental Disabilities (AHEADD) Laboratory | aguirremtano@wisc.edu | Bishop, Lauren | bishop@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Alexander, Andrew | Professor | Brain Imaging Core, Alexander Laboratory | aalexander@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 265-8233 | T225 | |||
Alexander, Roan | CP | WECP Assistant Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | realexander@wisc.edu | S143 | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | |
Alper, Rebecca | Assistant Professor | The Language, Literacy, and Learning (LangLitLearn) Laboratory | rebecca.alper@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2259 | 543A | |||
Anderle, Michael | AS | Research Program Manager | Brain Imaging Core | michael.anderle@wisc.edu | (608) 265-6250 | T221 | Alexander, Andrew | ALALEXANDER2@WISC.EDU |
Anders, Grace | Research Specialist | UW Human Stem Cell Core | gnanders@wisc.edu | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Andrisoamampianina, Narindra | Research Specialist | Infant Learning Laboratory | andrisoamamp@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5876 | 501 | Saffran, Jenny | jenny.saffran@wisc.edu | |
Anliker, Mark Ryan | AS | Research PET Tech | Brain Imaging Core | manliker@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1336 | T121 | Christian, Bradley | BCHRISTIAN@WISC.EDU |
Armstrong, Michelle | Clinics Scheduler | Waisman Center Clinics | marmstrong@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 141 | Van Dyck, Josh | JVanDyck@uwhealth.org | |
Arneson, Carrie | AS | UCEDD Associate Director | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | clarneso@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5964 | S101D | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Atkinson, Bryan | AS | Facilities Group Lead | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | bjatkinson@wisc.edu | (608) 263-7109 | 425 | Drier, Diana | ddrier@wisc.edu |
Aune, Rachel | Research Program Coordinator | Hartley Laboratory | raune@waisman.wisc.edu | 608-262-8860 | 453 | Hartley, Sigan | slhartley@wisc.edu | |
Ausderau, Karla | Associate Professor | Ausderau Laboratory | kausderau@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5149 | 493 | |||
Ayala, Melvin | Research Program Coordinator | Sousa Laboratory | AYALA@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | Sousa, Andre | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | |||
Bagan, Emily | Project Assistant | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory | ebagan@wisc.edu | Kaushanskaya, Margarita | kaushanskaya@wisc.edu | |||
Bahr, Ryan | IT Professional III | Brain Imaging Core | rbahr@wisc.edu | T125 | Cary, Robert | paul.cary@wisc.edu | ||
Banasik, Amy | SLP Researcher | Research in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (RIDDL) Laboratory | amy.banasik@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5705 | 439 | Sterling, Audra | asterling@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Barger, Madeline | Lead Behavior Analyst | Autism Treatment Program | mbarger@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-3622 | A101 | Valley-Massey, Robin | RValley-Massey@uwhealth.org | |
Barry, Ashlyn | Project Assistant | Hartley Laboratory | ambarry3@wisc.edu | Hartley, Sigan | slhartley@wisc.edu | |||
Bartley, Christopher | AS | Director, Waisman Biomanufacturing | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | cbartley@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7734 | T411 | Ross, Carl | carlross@wisc.edu |
Bass, Shawn Edward | AS | Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | sbass@wisc.edu | (608) 279-7642 | Olin Ave. | Lapin, Joshua | LAPIN@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Beach, Sara | Research Associate | Brain Language and Acoustic Behavior (BLAB) Lab | beach4@wisc.edu | Niziolek, Carrie | cniziolek@wisc.edu | |||
Bechner, Anna | AS | Research Specialist | Child Emotion Research Laboratory | ambechner@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2525 | 393 | Pollak, Seth | SPOLLAK@WISC.EDU |
Beckett, Rebecca | AS | Cell Therapies Group Lead | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | rebecca.beckett@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1007 | T413 | Drier, Diana | ddrier@wisc.edu |
Bellon, Jaime | AS | QA Specialist and Safety Officer | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | jbellon@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4730 | 217 | Vedo, John | jvedo@wisc.edu |
Bender, Jaclyn | AS | Occupational Therapist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | jaclyn.bender@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | A130 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu |
Benitez-Barrera, Carlos | Assistant Professor | Pediatric Auditory Experience and Brain Lab | benitezbarre@wisc.edu | (608) 265-2463 | 539 | |||
Bergh, Jaime | ET1 | Psychologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | jbergh2@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2737 | 385 | Walsh, Alyssa | awalsh9@wisc.edu |
Berghauer, Jaye | AS | Data Collector | Lifespan Family Research Program | berghauer@wisc.edu | (608) 262-4717 | 551 | Makuch, Renee | MAKUCH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Bern, Lauren | AS | Associate Clinical Professor | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | lbern@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2845 | Olin Ave | Lapin, Joshua | LAPIN@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Beutel, Amy | Medical Assistant | Waisman Center Clinics | abeutel@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-9577 | 147 | Valley-Massey, Robin | RValley-Massey@uwhealth.org | |
Bhat, Sulekha | Research Assistant | Rizvi Laboratory | bhat22@wisc.edu | 715 | Rizvi, Abbas | ahrizvi@wisc.edu | ||
Bhattacharyya, Anita | Associate Professor | Bhattacharyya Laboratory, UW Human Stem Cell Core | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 265-6142 | 623 | |||
Birkeland, Laura | Genetic Counselor | Waisman Center Clinics | lebirkeland@pediatrics.wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | 357 | |||
Bischoff, Daisha | WECP Assistant Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | dlbischoff@wisc.edu | S141 | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | ||
Bishop, Lauren | Associate Professor | Aging and Health Equity in Autism and Developmental Disabilities (AHEADD) Laboratory | bishop@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 265-5830 | T223 | |||
Bowar, Lydia | Research Specialist | Gamm Laboratory | lrbowar@wisc.edu | T610 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu | ||
Boyd, Beth | Registered Nurse | Biochemical Genetics and Medical Genetics Clinics | bboyd@uwhealth.org | 149 | ||||
Bradley, Laura | AS | CTC Manager | Clinical Translational Core (CTC) | pevytoe@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5192 | 373 | DaWalt, Leann | lsmith@waisman.wisc.edu |
Brandt, Ellen | Research Program Coordinator | Hartley Laboratory | ebrandt2@wisc.edu | (608) 265-4571 | 459 | Hartley, SIgan | slhartley@wisc.edu | |
Braun, Whitney | AS | PD & Mfg Scientist I | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | wbraun2@wisc.edu | (608) 262-8583 | 206 | Drier, Diana | ddrier@wisc.edu |
Breitfeld, Elise | SA2 | Research Assistant | Infant Learning Laboratory | breitfeld@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5876 | 537 | Saffran, Jenny | JSAFFRAN@WISC.EDU |
Breunig, Therese | AS | Metabolic Dietitian | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | therese.breunig@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5981 | 349 | Marcus, Mary | mmarcus1@wisc.edu |
Brilliant, Murray | AS | Scientist III | Lifespan Family Research Program | mbrilliant@wisc.edu | Chang, Qiang | QCHANG@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | ||
Brothers, Courtney | Project Assistant | Hartley Laboratory | cebrothers@wisc.edu | Hartley, Sigan | slhartley@wisc.edu | |||
Brunelle, Keri | AS | Development and Donor Relations Manager | Administration | kbrunelle@wisc.edu | (608) 262-6503 | T201B | Chang, Qiang | QCHANG@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Buchmann, Zach | Research PET/CT Technologist | Brain Imaging Core | zbuchmann@wisc.edu | T166 | Christian, Bradley | bchristian@wisc.edu | ||
Buck, Jamee | Behavior Analyst | Autism Treatment Program | jbuck@uwhealth.org | A107 | Murphy, Molly | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Burke, Hedy | AS | Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | hburke@wisc.edu | (608) 843-9284 | Olin Ave | Lapin, Joshua | LAPIN@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Camci, Furkan | Research Associate | Ferrazzano Laboratory | camci@wisc.edu | Ferrazzano, Peter | ferrazzano@pediatrics.wisc.edu | |||
Carilli-Mccord, Lisa Marie | AS | WECP Associate Director | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | lcarilli@wisc.edu | (608) 263-4684 | S161 | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu |
Carpenter, Karen | Rehabiliation Counselor | Waisman Center Clinics | kcarpenter@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-8643 | ||||
Carrola, Gina | Abstractor | Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities, UCEDD | gcarrola@wisc.edu | (608) 263-9701 | 231 | Reed, Katy | kathleenreed@wisc.edu | |
Cary, Robert (Paul) | AS | System Engineer II | Brain Imaging Core | paul.cary@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4127 | T133 | Christian, Bradley | BCHRISTIAN@WISC.EDU |
Casey, Cameron | Research Associate | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | cpcasey3@wisc.edu | 255 | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu | ||
Cassel, Theresa | Occupational Therapist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | tmwagner4@wisc.edu | 311 | Seale, Jennifer | jseale@wisc.edu | ||
Castleberry, Kaylee | Reseearch Coordinator | Pediatric Auditory Experience and Brain Lab | kcastleberry@wisc.edu | 543 | Benitez-Barrera, Carlos | benitezbarre@wisc.edu | ||
Cengiz, Pelin | Professor (CHS) | Cengiz Laboratory | cengiz@wisc.edu | (608) 262-2289 | T503 | |||
Cervantes, Maritza | Research Specialist | Gamm Laboratory | mmcervantes@wisc.edu | Phillips, Michael | mphillips5@wisc.edu | |||
Cetin, Feyza | Research Associate | Cengiz Laboratory | fcetin@wisc.edu | Cengiz, Pelin | cengiz@wisc.edu | |||
Chafetz, Daniel | Assistant | Hartley Laboratory | Hartley, Sigan | slhartley@wisc.edu | ||||
Chandrashekar, Pramod | ET1 | Research Associate | Wang Laboratory | pchandrashe3@wisc.edu | 525 | Wang, Daifeng | daifeng.wang@wisc.edu | |
Chang, Qiang | LI | Waisman Center Director and Professor | Administration | qchang@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 262-9416 | T201 | Ackerman, Steven | saackerm@wisc.edu |
Chavers-Edgar, Tiffany | Postdoctoral Trainee (T32) | Post-Doctoral Training Program in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research | chaversedgar@wisc.edu | 533A | Sterling, Audra | asterling@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Chen, Jiaqi | Research Intern | Sousa Laboratory | jchen826@wisc.edu | T511 | Sousa, Andre | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | ||
Chen, Kuan-Fu (Aaron) | Research Intern | Developing Brain Imaging Laboratory | kchen339@wisc.edu | Dean III, Douglas | deaniii@wisc.edu | |||
Chen, Xinli | Lab Manager | Bhattacharyya Laboratory | xchen2223@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4262 | 612 | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Chen, Yiran | Research Associate | Infant Learning Laboratory | chen2537@wisc.edu | 535 | Saffran, Jenny | jenny.saffran@wisc.edu | ||
Cheng, Hung-Shao | Research Associate | Speech Motor Action and Control (SMAC) Laboratory | hcheng223@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5776 | 483 | Parrell, Benjamin | bparrell@wisc.edu | |
Chodron, Gail | AS | Scientist II and LEND Director | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | chodron@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0145 | S101C | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Choi, Jerome | Research Assistant | Wang Laboratory | choi267@wisc.edu | 520 | Wang, Daifeng | daifeng.wang@wisc.edu | ||
Choi, Yun Hwa | Research Associate | Puglielli Laboratory | ychoi253@wisc.edu | Puglielli, Luigi | lp1@medcine.wisc.edu | |||
Christian, Brad | Professor | Brain Imaging Core, Christian Laboratory | bchristian@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0750 | T231 | |||
Colligan, Leah | Nurse Practitioner | Waisman Center Genetics Clinics | lcolligan@uwhealth.org | 353 | Keppler-Noreuil, Kim | kepplernoreu@wisc.edu | ||
Collins, Joseph | Physical Therapist | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | jdcollins2@wisc.edu | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu | |||
Collins, Kellie | Research Assistant | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | kellie.collins@wisc.edu | 255 | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu | ||
Converse, Alexander | AS | Scientist III | Brain Imaging Core | akconverse@facstaff.wisc.edu | (608) 265-6604 | T123 | Christian, Bradley | BCHRISTIAN@WISC.EDU |
Cullen, Anna | Nutrition Assistant | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | alcullen@wisc.edu | 340 | Drilias, Nicoletta | drilias@wisc.edu | ||
Currey, Nicole | Physical Therapist | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | ngotta@wisc.edu | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu | |||
Curtis, David | AS | Researcher II | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory | dkcurtis@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5764 | 475 | Kaushanskaya, Margarita | KAUSHANSKAYA@WISC.EDU |
Dantanarayana, Nimesha | Project Assistant | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | ndantanaraya@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7483 | 563 | Litovsky, Ruth | ruth.litovsky@wisc.edu | |
Dattilo, Brian | AS | Director, WB Business Development and Administration | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | bdattilo@wisc.edu | (608) 263-8940 | 223 | Bartley, Chris | cbartley@wisc.edu |
Davidson, Richard | Professor | Center for Healthy Minds | rjdavids@wisc.edu | (608) 265-8189 | 318 Psychology Bldg | |||
Davidson, Sylvia | AS | WECP Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | sazack@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9231 | S149 | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu |
Davis, Jule | Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | jfdavis3@wisc.edu | (608) 440-1589 | Olin Ave | Bass, Shawn | sbass@wisc.edu | |
DaWalt, Leann | AS | UCEDD Director | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | lsmith@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 890-1390 | S101B | Chang, Qiang | QCHANG@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Dayley, Ethan | Research Intern | Zhao Laboratory | dayley@wisc.edu | T518 | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | ||
Dean III, Douglas | Assistant Professor | Brain Imaging Core | deaniii@wisc.edu | (608) 262-6706 | T135 | |||
Dean, Joni | Nurse Practitioner | Waisman Center Clinics | joni.dean@uwmf.wisc.edu | (608) 890-8280 | ||||
Dembo, Robert | Researcher II | Lifespan Family Research Program | rdembo@wisc.edu | Mailick, Marsha | marsha.mailick@wisc.edu | |||
Desai, Shreya | AS | Quality Control Lead Scientist | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | sdesai8@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9481 | T403 | Stiemke, Rita | rstiemke@wisc.edu |
Doll, Hannah | Research Assistant | Sousa Laboratory | hmdoll@wisc.edu | Sousa, Andre | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | |||
Dong, Qiping | AS | Scientist II | Chang Laboratory | qdong8@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7930 | 667 | Chang, Qiang | QCHANG@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Dresang, Haley | Assistant Professor | Dresang Lab | hdresang@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0628 | 433 | |||
Drier, Diana | AS | WB Operations Director | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | ddrier@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9446 | T415 | Bartley, Christopher | cbartley@wisc.edu |
Drilias, Nicoletta | AS | Metabolic Dietitian | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | drilias@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4473 | 337 | Marcus, Mary | mmarcus1@wisc.edu |
Drott, Donald | Process Dev & Mfg Scientist II | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | dwdrott@wisc.edu | 206 | Walch, Matthew | mwalch@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Dubin, Meggan | Behavior Analyst | Autism Treatment Program | mdubin@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-3622 | S119G | Valley-Massey, Robin | rvalley-massey@uwhealth.org | |
Duran, Monica | Research Assistant | Motor and Brain Development Laboratory | miduran@wisc.edu | 437 | Travers, Brittany | btravers@wisc.edu | ||
Durkin, Maureen | Professor | Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities, UCEDD | mdurkin@wisc.edu | (608) 263-2128 | S101E | |||
Eastwood, Megan | CP | Animal Care Technician II | Rodent Models Core (RMC) | eastwood@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 890-1895 | 755 | Panksepp, Jules | jbpanksepp@wisc.edu |
Eckerty, Spencer | CP | Business Office Support Specialist | Administration | seckerty@wisc.edu | (608) 263-1656 | 202 | Marshall, Steve | smarshall@wisc.edu |
Eckholm, Magnus | ET3 | Research Intern | Zhao Laboratory | meckholm@wisc.edu | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | ||
Edwards, Kimberly | SA2 | Research Assistant | Gamm Laboratory | kedwards22@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0753 | T611 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu |
Effertz, Sarah | AS | Researcher I | Aging and Health Equity in Autism and Developmental Disabilities (AHEADD) Laboratory | seffertz@wisc.edu | 279 | Bishop, Lauren | bishop@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Ellis Weismer, Susan | Professor | Language Processes Laboratory | ellisweismer@wisc.edu | (608) 263-8861 | 473 | |||
Elmquist, Marianne | ET2 | Scientist | Research in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (RIDDL) Laboratory | melmquist@wisc.edu | Sterling, Audra | asterling@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Emerson, Roy | CP | Animal Care Technician II | Rodent Models Core (RMC) | remerson@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 890-2277 | 757 | Panksepp, Jules | jbpanksepp@wisc.edu |
Engel, Hideko | SA5 | Project Assistant | Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities, UCEDD | hmengel2@wisc.edu | Durkin, Maureen | mdurkin@wisc.edu | ||
Essex, Cindy | Waisman Center Clinics | Registered Medical Assistant | Waisman Center Clinics | cessex@uwhealth.org | (608) 262-2507 | 362 | Valley-Massey, Robin | rvalley-massey@uwhealth.org |
Farley, Megan | Scientist | Lainhart Laboratory | farley3@wisc.edu | (608) 265-1445 | A148 | Lainhart, Janet | lainhart@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Fass, Colin | Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | cfass@wisc.edu | (608) 575-8007 | Olin Ave | Bass, Shawn | sbass@wisc.edu | |
Fernandez Zepeda, Maria | ET3 | Research Specialist | Gamm Laboratory | fernandezzep@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0753 | T607 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu |
Ferrazzano, Peter | Professor (CHS) | Ferrazzano Laboratory | ferrazzano@pediatrics.wisc.edu | (608) 890-0751 | T517 | |||
Fetsko, Lauren | Physician | Rehabilitation Medicine | lfetsko@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5028 | Stanley, Maria | mastanley@pediatrics.wisc.edu | ||
Feudner, Mariana | Research Specialist | Gamm Laboratory | mfeudner@wisc.edu | T610 | Phillips, Michael | MPHILLIPS5@WISC.EDU | ||
Feye, Owen | Autism Treatment Specialist | Autism Treatment Program | ofeye@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-3622 | S119 | Murphy, Molly | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Fisher, Lisa | CP | Medical Program Assistant | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | lfisher@pediatrics.wisc.edu | (608) 265-4806 | 322 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu |
Fisher, Ronald | AS | Research MRI Tech | Brain Imaging Core | ronaldfisher@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1336 | T121 | Anderle, Michael | michael.anderle@wisc.edu |
Fleming, Victoria | SA5 | Fellow | Hartley Laboratory | vlfleming@wisc.edu | (608) 262-8860 | 453 | Hartley, Sigan | slhartley@wisc.edu |
Fry, Olivia | Research Coordinator | Social Kids Laboratory | ofry@wisc.edu | 527 | Shutts, Kristin | kshutts@wisc.edu | ||
Frye, Corrina | Research Program Coordinator | Developing Brain Imaging Laboratory | cfrye@wisc.edu | (608) 265-6541 | T113 | Dean III, Douglas | deaniii@wisc.edu | |
Furnier, Sarah | SA2 | Project Assistant | Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities, UCEDD | furnier@wisc.edu | 206 | Durkin, Maureen | mdurkin@wisc.edu | |
Gambetti, Brianna | SA5 | Researcher II | Hartley Laboratory | gambetti@wisc.edu | 453 | Hartley, Sigan | slhartley@wisc.edu | |
Gamm, David | Professor | Gamm Laboratory | dgamm@wisc.edu | (608) 261-1516 | T609 | |||
Gao, Yu | AS | Researcher II | Zhao Laboratory | yu.gao@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4392 | T518 | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu |
Gargeshwari, Aditi | Research Associate | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | gargeshwari2@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7483 | 523 | Litovsky, Ruth | litovsky@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Gaspar, Catherine | Postdoctoral Trainee (T32) | Post-Doctoral Training Program in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research | cgaspar@wisc.edu | 529A | DaWalt, Leann | |||
Gerber, Danielle | Family Engagement Specialist | Interdisciplinary Training, UCEDD | danielle.gerber@wisc.edu | A140 | Chodron, Gail | chodron@wisc.edu | ||
Gibbs, Bobby | Assistant Professor | Auditory Encoding and Processing Optimization Laboratory | bgibbs5@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4785 | 541 | |||
Gillick, Bernadette | Professor | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | bgillick@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7457 | 491 | |||
Gissler, Lindsay | Blinded Assessor | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | gissler@wisc.edu | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu | |||
Giusti, Elisa | Research Specialist | Sousa Laboratory | egiusti@wisc.edu | Sousa, Andre | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | |||
Glenn, Roosevelt (Bucky) | Assistant | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | glenn4@wisc.edu | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | |||
Gletty-Syoen, Scott | IT Systems Engineer | Information Technology (IT), Administration | glettysyoen@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4599 | 230 | Werla, Jacob | werla@wisc.edu | |
Godar, Shelly | AS | Research Program Coordinator | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | shelly.godar@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7483 | 565 | Litovsky, Ruth | ruth.litovsky@wisc.edu |
Goldsmith, Harold (Hill) | Professor | Goldsmith Laboratory | hill.goldsmith@wisc.edu | (608) 265-2674 | 573 | |||
Gomez Sanchez, Zachary | Research Assistant | Sousa Laboratory | gomezsanchez@wisc.edu | T511 | Sousa, Andre | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | ||
Greufe, Maria | AS | Research Specialist | Brain Imaging Core | greufe@wisc.edu | Alexander, Andrew | aalexander@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Grindle, Emma | Research Specialist | The Language, Literacy, and Learning (LangLitLearn) Laboratory | egrindle@wisc.edu | 446 | Alper, Rebecca | rebecca.alper@wisc.edu | ||
Grypp, Diane | AS | Researcher I | Clinical Translational Core (CTC) | dsgrypp@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5771 | 397 | Bradley, Laura | pevytoe@wisc.edu |
Grypp, Diane | Research Specialist | Developing Brain Imaging Laboratory | dsgrypp@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5771 | T115 | Dean III, Douglas | deaniii@wisc.edu | |
Guilfoil, Daniel | CP | Facilities Tech II | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | dguilfoil@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5763 | 432 | Atkinson, Brian | bjatkinson@wisc.edu |
Guo, Yu (Kristy) | ET1 | Researcher I | Zhao Laboratory | yguo275@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4392 | T516 | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu |
Gupta, Chirag | ET1 | Scientist I | Wang Laboratory | cgupta8@wisc.edu | 525 | Wang, Daifeng | daifeng.wang@wisc.edu | |
Gutkes, Jake | SA2 | Research Assistant | Ausderau Laboratory | gutkes@wisc.edu | Ausderau, Karla | kausderau@wisc.edu | ||
Hagemann, Tracy | AS | Associate Research Professor | Alexander Disease Laboratory | hagemann@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 263-9192 | 709A | Messing, Albee | amessing@wisc.edu |
Halbe, Poorva | Research Intern | Bhattacharyya Lab | phalbe@wisc.edu | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Hall, April | Assistant Professor (CHS) | Waisman Center Genetics Clinic | alhall2@wisc.edu | (608) 265-8259 | 335 | |||
Hamdan, Jamila | Genetic Counseling Assistant | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | jhamdan@uwhealth.org | 362 | Turcott, Christie | cmmiller2@wisc.edu | ||
Hammonds, Kerika | CL | Assistant | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | khammonds2@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5527 | 323 | Stone, Annette | annette.stone@wisc.edu |
Hans (Hahn), Erika | AS | Abstractor | Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities, UCEDD | ekhahn@wisc.edu | (608) 263-9701 | 231 | Reed, Katy | kathleenreed@wisc.edu |
Hansen, Jacqueline Elizabeth | AS | Abstractor | Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities, UCEDD | jehansen2@wisc.edu | (608) 263-9701 | 231 | Reed, Katy | kathleenreed@wisc.edu |
Hanson, Alena | Research Assistant | Svaren Laboratory | ajhanson23@wisc.edu | 662 | Svaren, John | jpsvaren@wisc.edu | ||
Hanstad, Giovanni | Research Intern | Gamm Laboratory | ghanstad@wisc.edu | T616 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu | ||
Hanthanan Arachchilage, Kalpana | Research Associate | Wang Laboratory | hanthananara@wisc.edu | 525 | Wang, Daifeng | daifeng.wang@wisc.edu | ||
Harlowe, Michael | Occupational Therapist | Waisman Center Clinics | mharlowe@uwhealth.org | |||||
Hartley, Sigan | Professor | Hartley Laboratory | slhartley@wisc.edu | (608) 262-8860 | 461 | |||
Haugen, Kellie | AS | Speech Language Pathologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | haugen@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 263-9087 | A125 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu |
Havemann, Lynn | AS | Outreach Specialist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | havemann@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 263-5947 | 102 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu |
Hawkins, Lisa | AS | Senior WECP Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | hawkins@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 263-2632 | S151 | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu |
Hayes, Sydney | Project Assistant | Wisconsin Speech, Intelligibility and Communication (WISC) Laboratory | hayes24@wisc.edu | 456 | Hustad, Katherine | KCHUSTAD@WISC.EDU | ||
He, Chenfeng | ET1 | Research Associate | Wang Laboratory | che82@wisc.edu | 525 | Wang, Daifeng | daifeng.wang@wisc.edu | |
Henning, Melissa | AS | Human Resources Manager | Human Resources, Administration | melissa.henning@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1388 | 253 | Marshall, Steve | smarshall@wisc.edu |
Henry, Sonja | AS | Genetic Counselor | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | sjhenry@wisc.edu | (608) 265-9763 | 357 | Turcott, Christie | cmmiller2@wisc.edu |
Herkert, Sam | Research Coordinator | Auditory Encoding and Processing Optimization (AEPO) Laboratory | smherkert@wisc.edu | 569 | Gibbs, Bobby | bgibbs5@wisc.edu | ||
Herman, Yingyee | WB Business Admin Specialist | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | xiong66@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 263-5894 | 221 | Dattilo, Brian | bdattilo@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Hessenthaler, Amy | AS | Data Collector | LIfespan Family Research Program | ahessenthale@wisc.edu | Makuch, Renee | MAKUCH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | ||
Hickey, Emily | AS | Scientist I | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | ejhickey2@wisc.edu | (608) 265-5740 | 549 | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Higgins, Andrew | AS | Instrumentation Technologist I | Christian Laboratory | athiggins@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2959 | T131 | Christian, Bradley | BCHRISTIAN@WISC.EDU |
Hilliard, Florence | Outreach Specialist | Developing Brain Imaging Laboratory | fhilliar@wisc.edu | T113 | Dean III, Douglas | deaniii@wisc.edu | ||
Hinker, Anne | Speech Language Pathologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | hinker@wisc.edu | (608) 262-0473 | 321 | Seale, Jennifer | jseale@wisc.edu | |
Hladik, Elisabeth | SA5 | Project Assistant | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | ehladik@wisc.edu | (608) 262-0653 | A134 | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Hong, Jinkuk | AS | Researcher II | LIfespan Family Research Program | jhong@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 261-1512 | 555 | Mailick, Marsha | marsha.mailick@wisc.edu |
Hood, Amanda | Clinics Scheduler | Waisman Center Clinics | AHood@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 141 | Van Dyck, Josh | JVanDyck@uwhealth.org | |
Hosangadi, Aditi | SA2 | Research Assistant | Child Emotion Research Laboratory | hosangadi@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2525 | 395 | Pollak, Seth | spollak@wisc.edu |
Hosseini, Masoumeh | Research Associate | Sousa Laboratory | mhosseini3@wisc.edu | T511 | Sousa, Andre | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | ||
Hottman, Cade | Research Technician | Sousa Laboratory | hottman2@wisc.edu | Sousa, Andre | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | |||
Hoveland, Teresa | LI | WECP Director | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | thoveland@wisc.edu | (608) 265-9852 | S101A | DaWalt, Leann | lsmith@waisman.wisc.edu |
Hrabik, Lynn | AS | Researcher II | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | hrabik@wisc.edu | (920) 833-0051 | S111 | Dawalt, Leann | |
Hribar, Megan | CL | Assistant | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | mhribar@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5760 | S101 | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu |
Hu, Danielle | Project Assistant | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory | danielle.hu@wisc.edu | Kaushanskaya, Margarita | KAUSHANSKAYA@WISC.EDU | |||
Huang, Xiang | Scientist II | Wang Laboratory | xiang.huang@wisc.edu | Wang, Daifeng | daifeng.wang@wisc.edu | |||
Hubbard, Ed | Associate Professor | Educational Neuroscience Lab | emhubbard@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2625 | 281 | |||
Huffman, Jennifer | Family Engagement Specialist | Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), UCEDD | jlhuffman@wisc.edu | S109 | Vitaioli, Meredith | meredith.vitaioli@wisc.edu | ||
Hustad, Katie | Professor | Wisconsin Speech, Intelligibility and Communication (WISC) Laboratory | kchustad@wisc.edu | (608) 265-9977 | 463 | |||
Jager, Lindsey | AS | Researcher II | Gamm Laboratory | ldjager@wisc.edu | T611 | Phillips, Michael | MPHILLIPS5@WISC.EDU | |
James, Philip | Physician | Waisman Center Clinics | pjames4@wisc.edu | Keppler-Noreuil, Kim | kepplernoreu@wisc.edu | |||
James, Sydney | WECP Assistant Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | sejames@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9454 | S147 | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | |
Jandy, Megan | Research Assistant | Bhattacharyya Lab | jandy@wisc.edu | 610 | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Janutolo, Laurie | CP | WECP Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | janutolo@wisc.edu | S147 | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu | |
Jauquet, Jennifer | AS | Lead QA Specialist | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | jckisilewski@wisc.edu | (608) 263-1511 | 225 | Vedo, John | jvedo@wisc.edu |
Jenkins, Melissa | Postdoctoral Trainee (T32) | Post-Doctoral Training Program in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research | mrjenkins3@wisc.edu | 531A | Hartley, Sigan | slhartley@wisc.edu | ||
Jewell, Deanna | Physician | Waisman Center Clinics | dmjewell2@wisc.edu | 317 | Stanley, Maria | maria.stanley@wisc.edu | ||
Johnson, Jeffrey | CL | Assistant | Community Training and Consultation, COW, UCEDD | jjohnson1@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5556 | Truman, Michael | mltruman@wisc.edu | |
Jones, Saideeka | Research Specialist | Child Emotion Research Laboratory | srjones6@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2525 | 387 | Pollak, Seth | SPOLLAK@WISC.EDU | |
Jung, Alexandra | Nurse Practitioner | Waisman Center Clinics | (608) 263-3301 | 351 | Stanley, Maria | maria.stanley@wisc.edu | ||
Junker, Axel | AS | Outreach Program Director | Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | junker@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 265-9428 | Olin Ave | Arneson, Carrie | clarneso@wisc.edu |
Kabakov, Sabrina | SA2 | Research Assistant | Motor and Brain Development Laboratory | kabakov@wisc.edu | Travers, Brittany | btravers@wisc.edu | ||
Kalafut, Noah | SA2 | Research Assistant | Wang Laboratory | nkalafut@wisc.edu | 525 | Wang, Daifeng | daifeng.wang@wisc.edu | |
Kammer, Jean | Registered Nurse | Waisman Center Clinics | jkammer@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-6984 | 149 | Valley-Masey, Robin | rvalley-massey@uwhealth.org | |
Kandror, Elena | Scientist | Rizvi Laboratory | kandror@wisc.edu | 715 | Rizvi, Abbas | ahrizvi@wisc.edu | ||
Karumattu Manattu, Arun | Scientist II | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | karumattuman@wisc.edu | 255 | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu | ||
Kastner, Kathleen | Assistant Professor (CHS) | Waisman Center Clinics | kakastner@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | 345 | |||
Kaushanskaya, Margarita | Professor | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory | kaushanskaya@wisc.edu | (608) 265-6902 | 487 | |||
Kecskemeti, Steven | AS | Scientist III | Brain Imaging Core | kecskemeti@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4729 | T233 | Alexander, Andrew | ALALEXANDER2@WISC.EDU |
Keir, Richard | CP | Help Desk Specialist | Information Technology (IT), Administration | rdkeir@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1000 | 235 | Werla, Jacob | werla@wisc.edu |
Kellett, Kristina | Researcher | Lainhart Laboratory | kristina.kellett@wisc.edu | (608) 265-1445 | A148 | Lainhart, Janet | lainhart@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Kellogg, Clark | AS | Multimedia Designer | Communications, Administration | kellogg@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 263-8726 | 240 | Bleck, Jody | jpbleck@wisc.edu |
Kellom, Elizabeth | AS | Genetic Counselor | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | ekellom@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1498 | 358 | Turcott, Christie | cmmiller2@wisc.edu |
Kenaston, Abbey | Research Intern | Developing Brain Imaging Laboratory | akenaston@wisc.edu | Dean III, Douglas | deaniii@wisc.edu | |||
Keppler-Noreuil, Kim | Physician | Waisman Center Genetics Clinic | kepplernoreu@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | 355 | |||
Kerekes, Marina | WECP Assistant Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | mkerekes@wisc.edu | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | |||
Kim, Bryan | Researcher I | Lifespan Family Research Program | bkim286@wisc.edu | Mailick, Marsha | marsha.mailick@wisc.edu | |||
Kirk, Gregory | AS | Researcher II | Brain Imaging Core | gkirk@wisc.edu | (608) 263-9179 | T129 | Alexander, Andrew | ALALEXANDER2@WISC.EDU |
Klein, Abbie | AS | Research Assistant | Child Emotion Research Laboratory | aeklein6@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2525 | 399 | Pollak, Seth | SPOLLAK@WISC.EDU |
Knaack, Sara | Scientist I | Zhao Laboratory | saknaack@wisc.edu | T505 | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | ||
Knobel, Karla | AS | Instrumentation Tech II | Svaren Laboratory | kknobel@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2280 | T605 | Svaren, John | john.svaren@wisc.edu |
Koenig, Jamie | Project Assistant | Aging and Health Equity in Autism and Developmental Disabilities (AHEADD) Laboratory | jkoenig6@wisc.edu | Bishop, Lauren | bishop@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Koeritzer, Margaret | Audiology Researcher | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | mkoeritzer@wisc.edu | 564 | Litovsky, Ruth | litovsky@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Konieczka, Katherine | Research Coordinator | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | kkonieczka@wisc.edu | 451 | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu | ||
Koob, Lisa | AS | Clinical Social Worker | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | koob@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1875 | 102 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu |
Kotikelapudi, Aravind | Research Intern | Rizvi Laboratory | kotikelapudi@wisc.edu | 715 | Rizvi, Abbas | ahrizvi@wisc.edu | ||
Krachey, Amy | Blinded Assessor | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | acmaaske@wisc.edu | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu | |||
Kramer, Hannah | Research Associate | Child Emotion Research Laboratory | hkramer6@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2525 | 389 | Pollak, Seth | spollak@wisc.edu | |
Kristensen, Kayla | AS | Speech Language Pathologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | kayla.kristensen@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | 331 | Seale, Jennifer | |
Kuhl, Ashley | Assistant Professor (CHS) | Waisman Center Genetics Clinic | aekuhl@pediatrics.wisc.edu | (608) 262-4719 | 335 | |||
Kumarage, Pubudu | Data Scientist | Data Science Core | pkumarage@wisc.edu | 515 | Wang, Daifeng | daifeng.wang@wisc.edu | ||
Kumari, Anshu | Research Associate | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | kanshu@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7483 | 564 | Litovsky, Ruth | ruth.litovsky@wisc.edu | |
Kunz, Elizabeth | AS | Research Specialist | Lifespan Family Research Program | ekunz3@wisc.edu | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | ||
Lacey, Ellorie | WECP Assistant Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | erlacey@wisc.edu | S151 | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | ||
Lagoa-Miguel, Claudia | CL | WECP Substitute | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | lagoamiguel@wisc.edu | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | ||
Lainhart, Janet | Professor | Lainhart Laboratory | lainhart@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 262-9667 | T227 | |||
Lang, Christopher | CL | Assistant | Administration | celang2@wisc.edu | (608) 263-1656 | 202 | Henning, Melissa | melissa.henning@wisc.edu |
Lanting, Michelle | Clinics Scheduler | Waisman Center Clinics | mlanting@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 141 | Van Dyck, Josh | JVanDyck@uwhealth.org | |
Lapin, Joshua | AS | Community TIES Program Manager | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | lapin@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 516-3963 | Olin Ave | Junker, Axel | JUNKER@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Larson, Laurie | AS | QC Subject Matter Expert | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | lslarson@wisc.edu | (608) 262-6324 | T403 | Stiemke, Rita | rstiemke@wisc.edu |
Law, Joanne | AS | Registered Nurse | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | joanne.law@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2845 | Olin Ave | Lapin, Joshua | LAPIN@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Leclerc, Emily | AS | Writer | Communications, Administration | ecleclerc@wisc.edu | 608-890-0943 | 227 | Palumbo, Teresa | Palumbo@waisman.wisc.edu |
Lee, Gichan | Research Assistant | Rizvi Laboratory | glee263@wisc.edu | 715 | Rizvi, Abbas | ahrizvi@wisc.edu | ||
Lee, Jiyoun | Research Assistant | Zhao Laboratory | jiyoun.lee@wisc.edu | T518 | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | ||
Lee, Pao | CP | Research Administrator | Grants Admin, Administration | pao.lee@wisc.edu | (608) 265-6903 | 275 | Marshall, Steve | smarshall@wisc.edu |
Lee, Yi-Tang | Researcher II | UW Human Stem Cell Core | ylee864@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9441 | 622 | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Legare, Janet | Clinical Professor | Waisman Center Genetics Clinic | jmlegare@pediatrics.wisc.edu | (608) 265-3423 | 359 | |||
Lewis, Gussie | AS | Quality Assurance Specialist | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | grlewis2@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7358 | 225 | Vedo, John | jvedo@wisc.edu |
Li, James | Associate Professor | Social and Behavioral Development Laboratory | james.li@wisc.edu | (608) 265-1091 | 263 | |||
Li, Yuhang | SA2 | Research Assistant | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | li2746@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7483 | 567 | Litovsky, Ruth | litovsky@waisman.wisc.edu |
Libersky, Emma | SA5 | Fellow | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory | libersky@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5764 | 476 | Curtis, David | dkcurtis@wisc.edu |
Lichte, Rachel | Genetic Counseling Assistant | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | rlichte@uwhealth.org | 362 | Turcott, Christie | cmmiller2@wisc.edu | ||
Liegel, Sara | Physician | Waisman Center Clinics | lirhrl@rehab.wisc.edu | 317 | ||||
Lister, Steven | Quality Control Scientist II | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | slister@wisc.edu | (608) 262-8972 | 206 | Stiemke, Rita | rstiemke@wisc.edu | |
Litovsky, Ruth | Professor | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | litovsky@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 262-5045 | 521 | |||
Liu, Shuang | AS | Data Scientist III | Data Science Core | shuang.liu@wisc.edu | (608) 265-6360 | 519 | Chang, Qiang | QCHANG@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Loduha, Sadie | WECP Substitute | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | loduha2@wisc.edu | Carilli-McCord, Lisa | lcarilli@wisc.edu | |||
Lorge, Sarah | Research Intern | Gamm Laboratory | selorge@wisc.edu | T618 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu | ||
Lunde, Brynna | Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | blunde2@wisc.edu | Bass, Shawn | sbass@wisc.edu | |||
Luzinski, Cora | Research Intern | Alexander Disease Laboratory | luzinski@wisc.edu | Hagemann, Tracy | hagemann@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Lyle, Amy | AS | Clinical Social Worker | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | adlyle@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 263-0223 | 161 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu |
Maarefvand, Mohammad | Research Associate | Pediatric Auditory Experience and Brain Lab | maarefvand@wisc.edu | Benitez Barrera, Carlos | benitezbarre@wisc.edu | |||
Mabie, Heather | AS | Research Program Coordinator | Wisconsin Speech, Intelligibility and Communication (WISC) Laboratory | hmabie@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5822 | 467 | Hustad, Katherine | KCHUSTAD@WISC.EDU |
Machi, Grace | WECP Assistant Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | gmachi@wisc.edu | S149 | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | ||
Madrid, Marcela | Bilingual Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | Bass, Shawn | sbass@wisc.edu | ||||
Mahr, Tristan | AS | Scientist II | Wisconsin Speech, Intelligibility and Communication (WISC) Laboratory | tristan.mahr@wisc.edu | 465 | Hustad, Katherine | KCHUSTAD@WISC.EDU | |
Mailick, Marsha | Professor Emeritus | Lifespan Family Research Program | marsha.mailick@wisc.edu | 549 | ||||
Mak, Veronika | AS | Research Program Coordinator | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | vmak@wisc.edu | (608) 262-3079 | 451 | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu |
Makuch, Renee | AS | Research Program Manager | Lifespan Family Research Program | MAKUCH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | (608) 262-4717 | 551 | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Manteca Gacho, Cristina | SA5 | Project Assistant | Pediatric Auditory Experience and Brain Lab | mantecagacho@wisc.edu | 543 | Benitez-Barrera, Carlos | benitezbarre@wisc.edu | |
Marcus, Mary | AS | Dietitian | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | mmarcus1@wisc.edu | (608) 263-9389 | 375 | Perez, Paola | |
Markle, Timothy | AS | Director, Youth Health Transition Initiative | Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), UCEDD | tmarkle@wisc.edu | (608) 262-8033 | A123 | Arneson, Carrie | |
Markus, Jill | Registered Nurse | Waisman Center Clinics | jmarkus@uwhealth.org | 149 | ||||
Marshall, Steven | Associate Director | Administration | smarshall@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5900 | T201 | Chang, Qiang | QCHANG@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | |
Martinez, Jose | SA1 | Fellow | Bhattacharyya Lab | jlmartinez4@wisc.edu | (608) 265-6142 | 617 | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu |
Matejka, Sarah | Process Dev & Mfg Scientist I | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | smatejka@wisc.edu | 206 | Walch, Matthew | mwalch@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Mathison, Matthew | Human Resources Generalist | Human Resources, Administration | mcmathison@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5671 | 251 | Henning, Melissa | melissa.henning@wisc.edu | |
Mayo, Rose | Nurse Practitioner | Waisman Center Clinics | rmayo@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | A125 | Stanley, Maria | maria.stanley@wisc.edu | |
Mazzeo, Tracy | AS | Data Collector | Lifespan Family Research Program | tamazzeo@wisc.edu | (608) 262-4717 | 551 | Makuch, Renee | MAKUCH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
McKee, Daniel | Physical Therapist | Pediatric Neuromodulation Laboratory | dpmckee2@wisc.edu | Gillick, Bernadette | bgillick@wisc.edu | |||
Meekin, Margo | Nutrition Assistant | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | mkmeekin@wisc.edu | 340 | Marcus, Mary | mmarcus1@wisc.edu | ||
Meeteer, Wanda | Nurse Practitioner | Waisman Center Clinics | wmeeteer@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 351 | Stanley, Maria | maria.stanley@wisc.edu | |
Mendez, Natasha | SA2 | Research Assistant | Zhao Laboratory | mendezalbelo@wisc.edu | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | ||
Merkel, Clara | Research Specialist | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory | cmerkel@wisc.edu | 476 | Kaushanskaya, Rita | kaushanskaya@wisc.edu | ||
Messing, Albee | Professor Emeritus | Alexander Disease Laboratory | amessing@wisc.edu | (608) 263-9191 | 713B | |||
Meyn, Stephen | Professor | Waisman Center Clinics | stephen.meyn@wisc.edu | (608) 263-0209 | 2762 WIMR | |||
Mikesell, Abigail | Family Support Specialist | Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), UCEDD | almikesell@wisc.edu | Vitaioli, Meredith | meredith.vitaioli@wisc.edu | |||
Mikkelson, Scott | AS | Research MRI Tech | Brain Imaging Core | sdmikkelson@wisc.edu | Anderle, Michael | michael.anderle@wisc.edu | ||
Millard, Kristine | Research Specialist | Motor and Brain Development Laboratory | kristine.millard@wisc.edu | Travers, Brittany | btravers@wisc.edu | |||
Minter, Michelle | Speech Language Pathologist | Waisman Center Clinics | mminter@uwhealth.org | |||||
Modaff, Margaret (Peggy) | Genetic Counselor | Waisman Center Clinics | modaff@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 262-6228 | 343 | Legare, Janet | jmlegare@pediatrics.wisc.edu | |
Mohammed, Latifatu | Project Assistant | Research in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Language (RIDDL) Laboratory | lmohammed@wisc.edu | Sterling, Audra | asterling@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Mosher, Rachel | AS | PD & Mfg Scientist III | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | rmosher@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4695 | 425 | Beckett, Rebecca | |
Mowery, Katherine | CP | Administrative Assistant III | Administration | kmowery@wisc.edu | (608) 263-7148 | T201 | Chang, Qiang | qchang@waisman.wisc.edu |
Mrkvicka, Joan | WECP Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | jmrkvicka@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9478 | S151 | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu | |
Mueller, Barbara | AS | Instrumentation Technologist II | Brain Imaging Core | bcmueller2@wisc.edu | Christian, Bradley | BCHRISTIAN@WISC.EDU | ||
Mulder, James | CL | Administrative Assistant II | Community Training and Consultation, COW, UCEDD | mulder@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4868 | Olin Ave | Truman, Michael | mltruman@wisc.edu |
Munz, Ruth | CP | Administrative Assistant II | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | MUNZ@WISC.EDU | (608) 263-5760 | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu | |
Murphy, Molly | AS | Clinical Assistant Professor, ATP Director | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 890-3622 | S119F | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Naber, Christopher | AS | Research Specialist | Brain Language and Acoustic Behavior (BLAB) Laboratory | cwnaber@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5776 | 483 | Niziolek, Caroline | cniziolek@wisc.edu |
Naber, Christopher | AS | Research Specialist | Speech Motor Action and Control (SMAC) Laboratory | cwnaber@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5776 | 483 | Parrell, Benjamin | bparrell@wisc.edu |
Neisius, Abby | AS | Psychologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | neisius@wisc.edu | 327 | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | |
Niziolek, Carrie | Assistant Professor | Brain Language and Acoustic Behavior (BLAB) Laboratory | cniziolek@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0192 | 485 | |||
Obernolte, Lisa | AS | Metabolic Dietitian | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | OBERNOLTE@WISC.EDU | (608) 262-5195 | 349 | Marcus, Mary | mmarcus1@wisc.edu |
Oetzel, Sonja | CP | Administrative Assistant II | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | soetzel@wisc.edu | (608) 265-8955 | T106 | Schears, Julie | SCHEARS@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Okhuevbie, Daniel | Research Assistant | Svaren Laboratory | okhuevbie@wisc.edu | 662 | Svaren, John | jpsvaren@wisc.edu | ||
Olig, Haley | AS | Accountant | Administration | holig2@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5910 | 202 | Marshall, Steve | smarshall@wisc.edu |
Olson, Robert | AS | Research Engineer | Clinical Translational Core (CTC) | ROLSON@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | (608) 890-3075 | 397 | Bradley, Laura | pevytoe@wisc.edu |
Osborn, Molly | Project Assistant | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | mfsheridan@wisc.edu | Litovsky, Ruth | litovsky@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Osterhaus, Maggie | Genetic Counseling Assistant | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | mosterhaus@uwhealth.org | 362 | Turcott, Christie | cmmiller2@wisc.edu | ||
Osterman, Amber | Research Assistant | Sousa Laboratory | aosterman@wisc.edu | Sousa, Andre | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | |||
Palumbo, Teresa | AS | Communications Manager | Communications, Administration | PALUMBO@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | (608) 263-5837 | 239 | Marshall, Steve | smarshall@wisc.edu |
Pamu, Lavanya | AS | PD & Mfg Scientist II | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | pamu@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4696 | 425 | Walch, Matt | mwalch@waisman.wisc.edu |
Pandl, Amanda | Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | apandl@wisc.edu | Olin Ave. | Bass, Shawn | sbass@wisc.edu | ||
Panksepp, Jules | AS | Researcher II | Rodent Models Core (RMC) | jbpanksepp@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3148 | 653 | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu |
Parrell, Ben | Associate Professor | Speech Motor Action and Control (SMAC) Laboratory | bparrell@wisc.edu | (608) 263-8861 | 489 | |||
Pauli, Richard | Physician | Waisman Center Clinics | pauli@waisman.wisc.edu | |||||
Payne, James | Animal Care Technician I | Rodent Models Core (RMC) | jdpayne2@wisc.edu | 757 | Panksepp, Jules | jbpanksepp@wisc.edu | ||
Perez, Maria | CP | Animal Care Technician II | Rodent Models Core (RMC) | mperez6@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2277 | Panksepp, Jules | jbpanksepp@wisc.edu | |
Perez, Paola | AS | UCEDD Clinics Operations Manager | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 890-4495 | 159 | DaWalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Peters, Tonia | AS | Research Administrator | Grants Admin, Administration | TPETERS2@WISC.EDU | (608) 890-1405 | 269 | Lee, Pao | pao.lee@wisc.edu |
Petty, Elizabeth | Waisman Center Clinics | epetty@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | Keppler-Noreuil, Kim | kepplernoreu@wisc.edu | |||
Phanse, Yashdeep | Researcher I | Gamm Laboratory | yphanse@wisc.edu | T603 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu | ||
Phelps, Charlene | AS | Writer | Communications, Administration | riverabonet@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1033 | 227 | Palumbo, Teresa | palUMBO@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Phillips, Michael | AS | Scientist II | Gamm Laboratory | MPHILLIPS5@WISC.EDU | (608) 890-1896 | T615 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu |
Piciw, Jennifer | Research Assistant | Bhattacharyya Lab | piciw@wisc.edu | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Podczerwinski, John | Research Associate | Brain Imaging Core | jpodczerwins@wisc.edu | T117 | Alexander, Andrew | aalexander@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Pokoski, Olivia | Research Assistant & Project Assistant | Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities, UCEDD | opokoski@wisc.edu | Durkin, Maureen | mdurkin@wisc.edu | |||
Polito, Arieanne Elizabeth | AS | Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | arieanne.polito@wisc.edu | (608) 239-0572 | Olin Ave | Bass, Shawn | sbass@wisc.edu |
Pollak, Seth | Professor | Child Emotion Research Laboratory | spollak@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2525 | 391 | |||
Portillo, Aracely | Outreach Specialist | Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), UCEDD | aracely.portillo@wisc.edu | (608) 262-4795 | A132 | Chodron, Gail | chodron@wisc.edu | |
Prasun, Pankaj | Physician | Waisman Center Clinics | pprasun@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | 341 | Stanley, Maria | maria.stanley@wisc.edu | |
Prevost, Bethany | Speech Language Pathologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | brprevost@wisc.edu | (608) 263-7726 | 323 | Seale, Jennifer | jseale@wisc.edu | |
Prigge, Molly | Scientist I | Lainhart Laboratory | mprigge@wisc.edu | Lainhart, Janet | lainhart@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Puglielli, Luigi | Professor | Puglielli Laboratory | lp1@medicine.wisc.edu | (608) 262-3287 | 621 | |||
Puma, Gabriela | SA5 | Project Assistant | Lifespan Family Research Program | gpuma@wisc.edu | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | ||
Putman, Mary | Medical Assistant | Waisman Center Clinics | mputman@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 145 | |||
Raghavendra, Sreelaxmi | Research Specialist | Gamm Laboratory | sraghavendr2@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0753 | T608 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu | |
Rai, Richa | AS | Researcher I | Gamm Laboratory | rrai23@wisc.edu | T618 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu | |
Ramachandran, Sandhya | Research Assistant | Rizvi Laboratory | sramachand32@wisc.edu | 715 | Rizvi, Abbas | ahrizvi@wisc.edu | ||
Rao, Anjali | Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician | Waisman Center Clinics | asrao8@wisc.edu | 317 | Stanley, Maria | maria.stanley@wisc.edu | ||
Rasberry, Matthew | AS | Metabolic Dietitian | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | rasberry@wisc.edu | (608) 262-3976 | 335A | Marcus, Mary | mmarcus1@wisc.edu |
Ratcliff, Manda | CP | Medical Program Assistant | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | manda.ratcliff@wisc.edu | (608) 263-8663 | 322 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu |
Rebman, Claire | AS | Quality Control Scientist II | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | crebman@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9492 | 217 | Sotos, Joshua | jsotos@waisman.wisc.edu |
Reed, Kathleen (Katy) | AS | Research Program Manager | Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities, UCEDD | kathleenreed@wisc.edu | (608) 263-8222 | A142 | Durkin, Maureen | cmmiller2@wisc.edu |
Rehani, Maryann | Public Health Educator | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | mrehani@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4875 | A124 | DaWalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | |
Reigel, Sarah | AS | Quality Control Scientist II | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | sreigel@wisc.edu | (608) 890-3076 | T419 | Sotos, Joshua | jsotos@waisman.wisc.edu |
Reuter, Spencer | Treatment Specialist | Autism Treatment Program | sreuter2@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-3622 | S119E | Murphy, Molly | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Rhead, William | Clinical Instructor | Waisman Center Clinics | wrhead@wisc.edu | |||||
Richards, David | AS | PD & Mfg Scientist II | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | drichards3@wisc.edu | 206 | Walch, Matt | mwalch@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Rietzler, Jennifer | Genetic Couselor | Waisman Center Clinics | rietzler@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | 335 | Birkland, Laura | lebirkeland@pediatrics.wisc.edu | |
Risgaard, Ryan | Research Assistant | Sousa Laboratory | rrisgaard@wisc.edu | Sousa, Andre | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | |||
Rizvi, Abbas | Assistant Professor | Rizvi Laboratory | ahrizvi@wisc.edu | (608) 263-7924 | 715A | |||
Rodriguez, Nerelys | Treatment Specialist | Autism Treatment Program | nrodriguez2@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-3622 | S119D | Murphy, Molly | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Rodriguez, Rebekah | AS | Research Specialist | Social and Behavioral Development Laboratory | rmrodriguez3@wisc.edu | (608) 265-7938 | 241 | Li, James | james.li@wisc.edu |
Roh, Jaeyeon | AS | PD & Mfg Scientist I | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | jroh5@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4092 | 206 | Beckett, Rebecca | rebecca.beckett@wisc.edu |
Rowley, Linda | AS | Web Designer | Communications, Administration | ROWLEY@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | (608) 263-5973 | 229 | Palumbo, Teresa | PALUMBO@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Russo, Matthew | ET1 | Research Associate | Bhattacharyya Lab | mrusso4@wisc.edu | 618 | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Saffran, Jenny | Professor | Infant Learning Laboratory | jenny.saffran@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5792 | 538B | |||
Salvo, Heather | Research Associate | Wisconsin Speech, Intelligibility and Communication (WISC) Laboratory | hsalvo@wisc.edu | 456 | Hustad, Katherine | kchustad@wisc.edu | ||
Sandgren, Carly | Researcher II | Wisconsin Speech, Intelligibility and Communication (WISC) Laboratory | csandgren@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5822 | 465 | Hustad, Katherine | KCHUSTAD@WISC.EDU | |
Sandoval, Soraya | SA2 | Research Assistant | Zhao Laboratory | sosandoval@wisc.edu | T516 | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | |
Sarango Gonzalez, Tatiana | AS | Peer Support Navigator | Developing Brain Imaging Laboratory | sarangogonza@wisc.edu | Dean III, Douglas | deaniii@wisc.edu | ||
Sarmiento, Natalie | Research Specialist | Social Kids Laboratory | nsarmiento@wisc.edu | Shutts, Kristin | kshutts@wisc.edu | |||
Schabes, Claudia | Research Assistant | Research in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Language (RIDDL) Laboratory | cschabes@wisc.edu | 477 | Sterling, Audra | asterling@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Schaefer, Jennifer | AS | Senior Data Collector | LIfespan Family Research Program | jaschaefer3@wisc.edu | (608) 262-4717 | 551 | Makuch, Renee | MAKUCH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Schafermeyer, Hannah | Treatment Specialist | Autism Treatment Program | hschafermeyer@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-3622 | S119D | Murphy, Molly | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Schears, Julie | AS | Outreach Program Evaluation Specialist | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | SCHEARS@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | (608) 265-2063 | S101F | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Scheuer, Amanda | WECP Substitute | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | acscheuer@wisc.edu | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | |||
Schimek, Maren | Research Specialist | Brain Imaging Core | meschimek@wisc.edu | Alexander, Andrew | aalexander@waisman.wisc.edu | |||
Schlueter, Marybeth | Administrative Assistant | Autism Treatment Program | mschlueter@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-3622 | S119 | Valley-Massey, Robin | rvalley-massey@uwhealth.org | |
Schmid, Stephan | Treatment Specialist | Autism Treatment Program | sschmid@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-3622 | A105 | Valley-Massey, Robin | rvalley-massey@uwhealth.org | |
Schneider, Andrew | AS | Research Specialist | Svaren Laboratory | aschneider@medicine.wisc.edu | (608) 263-4413 | 659 | Svaren, John | john.svaren@wisc.edu |
Schroeder, Katherine | Nutrition Assistant | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | keschroeder3@wisc.edu | 340 | Marcus, Mary | mmarcus1@wisc.edu | ||
Schroeder, Susen | AS | Research Specialist | Research in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Language (RIDDL) Laboratory | SSCHROEDER@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | (608) 263-5145 | 335 | Sterling, Audra | ASTERLING@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Schultz, Sherry | AS | WIN Manager | Wellness Inclusion Nursing (WIN), COW, UCEDD | sherry.schultz@wisc.edu | 608) 264-2622 | Olin Ave | Junker, Axel | JUNKER@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Schumacher, Emily | Nurse Practitioner | Waisman Center Clinics | eschumacher@uwhealth.org | (608) 504-4578 | A127 | Stanley, Maria | maria.stanley@wisc.edu | |
Schumacher, Michelle | AS | Clinical Social Worker | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | schumacher@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 263-9227 | 102 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu |
Schwoob, Kasey | Clinics Scheduler | Waisman Center Clinics | Kdreasher@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 141 | Van Dyck, Josh | JVanDyck@uwhealth.org | |
Schworer, Emily | Research Associate | Hartley Laboratory | schworer@wisc.edu | 430 | Hartley, Sigan | slhartley@wisc.edu | ||
Seale, Jennifer | AS | AAC Program Director | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | jseale@wisc.edu | (608) 263-9909 | 309 | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Sellner, Stephanie | Research Specialist | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | stephanie.sellner@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7483 | 565 | Litovsky, Ruth | ruth.litovsky@wisc.edu | |
Seltzer, Leslie | AS | SEED Program Manager | Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities, UCEDD | leslie.seltzer@wisc.edu | (608) 263-0271 | A144 | Durkin, Maureen | maureen.durkin@wisc.edu |
Senthilmurugan, Manjeri | ET3 | Research Intern | Child Emotion Research Laboratory | msenthilmuru@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2525 | 387 | Pollak, Seth | spollak@wisc.edu |
Shah, Leela | Research Assistant | Developing Brain Imaging Laboratory | leela.shah@wisc.edu | Dean III, Douglas | deaniii@wisc.edu | |||
Shaul, Anna | Research Specialist | Developing Brain Imaging Lab | ashaul@wisc.edu | T115 | Dean III, Douglas | deaniii@wisc.edu | ||
Shrestha, Babita | CL | WECP Substitute | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | bshrestha2@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5760 | Carilli-McCord, Lisa Marie | lcarilli@wisc.edu | |
Shutts, Kristin | Professor | Social Kids Laboratory | kshutts@wisc.edu | (608) 265-8949 | 538B | |||
Singer, Steven | AS | Associate Clinical Professor | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | singerino@gmail.com | (608) 238-9354 | Olin Ave | Lapin, Joshua | LAPIN@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Singh, Garima | CP | WECP Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | gsingh48@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5760 | S143 | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu |
Sinha, Divya | AS | Scientist I | Gamm Laboratory | divya.sinha@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0753 | T611 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu |
Sirois, Carissa | ET1 | Researcher I | Zhao Laboratory | clsirois@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4392 | T515 | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu |
Skaletski, Emily | Research Assistant | Motor and Brain Development Laboratory | eskaletski@wisc.edu | 437 | Travers, Brittany | btravers@wisc.edu | ||
Slawny, Caitlyn | SA5 | Project Assistant | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory | cslawny@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5764 | 476 | Kaushanskaya, Margarita | KAUSHANSKAYA@WISC.EDU |
Slesarev, Maxim | AS | Neuroimaging Technologist | Brain Imaging Core | SLESAREV@WISC.EDU | (608) 262-9230 | T121 | Converse, Alexander | AKCONVERSE@FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU |
Smid, Cory | Genetic Counselor | Waisman Center Clinics | csmid@uwhealth.org | (608) 504-4344 | 350 | |||
Smith, Carmella | AS | Registered Nurse | Wellness Inclusion Nursing (WIN), COW, UCEDD | cvsmith2@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2844 | Olin Ave | Schultz, Sherry | sherry.schultz@wisc.edu |
Soper, Jessica | Human Resources Generalist | Human Resources, Administration | jdsoper@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9613 | 251 | Henning, Melissa | melissa.henning@wisc.edu | |
Soper, Joshua | CP | Building Manager | Administration | jbsoper@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5883 | 202 | Marshall, Steven | smarshall@wisc.edu |
Soref, Cheryl | AS | Research Specialist | UW Human Stem Cell Core | cmsoref@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4911 | 641C | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu |
Soriano, Jennifer | SA2 | Research Assistant | Wisconsin Speech, Intelligibility and Communication (WISC) Laboratory | jusoriano@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5822 | 471 | Hustad, Katherine | KCHUSTAD@WISC.EDU |
Sotos, Joshua | AS | Quality Control Group Leader | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | jsotos@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 890-4649 | T419 | Stiemke, Rita | rstiemke@wisc.edu |
Sousa, Andre | Assistant Professor | Sousa Laboratory | andre.sousa@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0875 | T509 | |||
Sovell, Kai | Research Intern | Gamm Laboratory | ksovell@wisc.edu | T618 | Jager, Lindsey | ldjager@wisc.edu | ||
Staley, Carrie | AS | Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | clstaley@wisc.edu | (608) 333-1130 | Olin Ave | Bass, Shawn Edward | sbass@wisc.edu |
Stanek, Lindsey | AS | Physical Therapist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | lindsey.stanek@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | A130 | Steale, Jenn | |
Stanhope, Kerry | Occupational Therapist | Waisman Center Clinics | kstanhope@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 145 | |||
Stanley, Maria | Clinical Professor | Waisman Center Clinics | maria.stanley@wisc.edu | (608) 890-3137 | 315 | |||
Steenhagen, Angelique | Research Specialist | Puglielli Laboratory | steenhagen@wisc.edu | (608) 262-2189 | 616 | Puglielli, Luigi | LP1@MEDICINE.WISC.EDU | |
Steffen, Eric | PD & Mfg Scientist II | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | easteffen2@wisc.edu | (608) 890-3189 | 425 | Walch, Matthew | mwalch@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Stein, Andrea | Research Assistant | Child Emotion Research Laboratory | agstein@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2525 | 387 | Pollak, Seth | spollak@wisc.edu | |
Steiner, Robert | Physician | Waisman Center Clinics | rsteiner3@wisc.edu | Keppler-Noreuil, Kim | kepplernoreu@wisc.edu | |||
Sterling, Audra | Associate Professor | Research in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Language (RIDDL) Laboratory | asterling@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 265-6901 | 481 | |||
Stevens, Connie | AS | Outreach Specialist | Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), UCEDD | cstevens4@wisc.edu | (608) 577-3895 | S109 | Vitaioli, Meredith | meredith.vitaioli@wisc.edu |
Stiemke, Rita | AS | Director, Quality Control | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | rstiemke@wisc.edu | (608) 263-4895 | T421 | Ross, Carl | carlross@wisc.edu |
Stroik, Kalyn | Genetic Counselor | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | kstroik@wisc.edu | (608) 262-4850 | 348 | Turcott, Christie | cmmiller2@wisc.edu | |
Stroschein, Rebecca | Clinical Fellow | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | rstroschein@wisc.edu | (608) 263-7829 | 316 | Seale, Jennifer | jseale@wisc.edu | |
Stubbs, Lucia | AS | Psychologist | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory | lstubbs@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5764 | 473 | Kaushanskaya, Margarita | KAUSHANSKAYA@WISC.EDU |
Suarez, Jennifer | Nurse Practitioner | Medical Genetics Clinic | jsuarez@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 353 | Turcott, Christie | cmmiller2@wisc.edu | |
Sun, Qing | Research Intern | Rizvi Laboratory | qsun222@wisc.edu | 715 | Rizvi, Abbas | ahrizvi@wisc.edu | ||
Susai Manickam, Praveen | ET1 | Research Associate | Gamm Laboratory | praveenjoseph.susaimanickam@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0753 | T603 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu |
Suveg, Lukas | SA5 | Project Assistant | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | lsuveg@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7483 | 567 | Litovsky, Ruth | ruth.litovsky@wisc.edu |
Svaren, John | Professor | Svaren Laboratory | jpsvaren@wisc.edu | (608) 263-4246 | 659 | |||
Syed, Moosa | Research Intern | Zhao Laboratory | masyed@wisc.edu | T505 | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | ||
Szidon, Katherine | AS | Outreach Program Manager | Lifespan Family Research Program | szidon@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9445 | 539 | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Tang, Dinglan | ET1 | Research Associate | Brain Language and Acoustic Behavior (BLAB) Laboratory | dtang38@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5776 | 483 | Niziolek, Caroline | cniziolek@wisc.edu |
Tennessen, Megan | CL | Research Technician | Research in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Language (RIDDL) Laboratory | mttennessen@wisc.edu | Schroeder, Susen | sschroeder@waisman.wisc.edu | ||
Tesluk, Ariel | Medical Assistant | Waisman Center Clinics | atesluk@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 147 | Valley-Massey, Robin | rvalley-massey@uwhealth.org | |
Thoemke, Catherine | WECP Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | thoemke@wisc.edu | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu | |||
Thomson, Erin | AS | Clinical Social Worker | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | thomson@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 263-5815 | 161 | Murphy, Molly | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu |
Tierney, Sandra | CL | Family Engagement Specialist | Interdisciplinary Training, UCEDD | stierney@wisc.edu | S111 | Chodron, Gail | chodron@wisc.edu | |
Travers, Brittany | Associate Professor | Motor and Brain Development Laboratory | btravers@wisc.edu | (608) 263-0282 | 435 | |||
Truman, Michael | AS | Community Training Director | Community Training and Consultation, COW, UCEDD | mltruman@wisc.edu | (608) 516-8410 | Olin Ave | Junker, Axel | JUNKER@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Trygstad, Drew | ET3 | Research Intern | Zhao Laboratory | dtrygstad@wisc.edu | Zhao, Xinyu | xinu.zhao@wisc.edu | ||
Turcott, Christie | AS | Genetic Counselor | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | cmmiller2@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2631 | 354 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu |
Turcsanyi, Sheila | AS | Research Program Coordinator | Lainhart Laboratory | saturcsanyi@wisc.edu | (608) 265-1445 | A150 | Lainhart, Janet | lainhart@waisman.wisc.edu |
Turner-Walton, Felica | Family Engagement Specialist | Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), UCEDD | fturnerwalto@wisc.edu | Markle, Timothy | tmarkle@wisc.edu | |||
Unni, Adithyan | Research Assistant | Rizvi Laboratory | aunni@wisc.edu | 715 | Rizvi, Abbas | ahrizvi@wisc.edu | ||
Valdes Arciniega, Teresita | Research Assistant | Cengiz Laboratory | tere.valdes@wisc.edu | Cengiz, Pelin | cengiz@wisc.edu | |||
Van Dyck, Joshua | Admin Supervisor | Waisman Center Clinics | jvandyck@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 141 | Perez, Paola | pperez@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Vedo, John | AS | Director, Quality Assurance | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | jvedo@wisc.edu | (608) 262-8004 | T417 | Ross, Carl | carlross@wisc.edu |
Villegas, Melissa | Physician | Waisman Center Clinics | villegas@rehab.wisc.edu | 317 | ||||
Vir, Deepak | Research Specialist | Christian Laboratory | vir@wisc.edu | (608) 890-2959 | T125 | Higgins, Andrew | athiggins@wisc.edu | |
Vitaioli, Meredith | AS | Director, Children's Resource Center (CRC) - South | Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), UCEDD | meredith.vitaioli@wisc.edu | (608) 263-2004 | A146 | Chodron, Gail | chodron@wisc.edu |
Vlasak, Madison | Clinic Operation Assistant | Waisman Center Clinics | MVlasak@uwhealth.org | (608) 263-3301 | 147 | |||
Vorperian, Houri | AS | Senior Scientist | Vocal Tract Development Laboratory (VTLab) | hkvorper@wisc.edu | (608) 263-5513 | Chang, Qiang | QCHANG@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | |
Wagner, Liliana | A&DD Clinic Director | Waisman Center Clinics | lwagner5@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | 361 | DaWalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | |
Wakely, Benjamin | Assistant | Christian Laboratory | bwakely@wisc.edu | Andrew Higgins | athiggins@wisc.edu | |||
Walch, Matthew | AS | Bioprocess Group Lead | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | mwalch@waisman.wisc.edu | (608) 890-1129 | T413 | Bartley, Christopher | cbartley@wisc.edu |
Walker, Chenelle | Project Assistant | Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Laboratory | clwalker4@wisc.edu | Kaushanskaya, Margarita | kaushanskaya@wisc.edu | |||
Walsh, Alyssa | AS | Psychologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | awalsh9@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0418 | A109 | Murphy, Molly | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu |
Walter, Martha | AS | Psychologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | mjwalter@wisc.edu | (608) 265-2833 | Dawalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | |
Wang, Daifeng | Associate Professor | Wang Laboratory | daifeng.wang@wisc.edu | (608) 262-8567 | 517 | |||
Wargowski, David | Professor (CHS) | Waisman Center Genetics Clinic | wargowski@pediatrics.wisc.edu | (608) 263-8687 | 339 | |||
Warner, Sara | AS | Psychologist | Developmental Disabilities and Genetics Clinical Services, UCEDD | sbwarner@wisc.edu | (608) 265-8965 | A103 | Murphy, Molly | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu |
Watkin, Katelyn | Genetic Counselor | Waisman Center Clinics | kwatkin@uwhealth.org | 357 | Turcott, Christie | cmmiller2@wisc.edu | ||
Watkins, Brooklynne | Physician Assistant | Waisman Center Clinics | (608) 263-3301 | 351 | Stanley, Maria | maria.stanley@wisc.edu | ||
Weaver, Haley | SA2 | Research Assistant | Infant Learning Laboratory | hjweaver@wisc.edu | Saffran, Jenny | JSAFFRAN@WISC.EDU | ||
Webb, Bryn | Visiting Associate Professor | Waisman Center Clinics | bdwebb@wisc.edu | WIMR | ||||
Werla, Jacob | AS | System Administrator | Information Technology (IT), Administration | werla@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3467 | 232 | Marshall, Steve | smarshall@wisc.edu |
West, Jodi | WECP Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | jlwest2@wisc.edu | S141 | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu | ||
White, Alexandrea | Project Assistant | Wisconsin Speech Intelligibility and Communication (WISC) Laboratory | anwhite6@wisc.edu | 443 | Hustad, Katie | kchustad@wisc.edu | ||
Whitehead, Amy | UCEDD Advisor | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | amy.whitehead@wisc.edu | DaWalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | |||
Wielgat, Benjamin | PD & Manufacturing Scientist | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | bwielgat@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9618 | 206 | Beckett, Rebecca | rebecca.beckett@wisc.edu | |
Willes, Ashley | AS | Research Specialist | Gamm Laboratory | awilles@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0753 | T617 | Gamm, David | dgamm@wisc.edu |
Williams, Katie | Clinical Adjunct Asst Professor | Waisman Center Clinics | kbwilliams@wisc.edu | (608) 263-3301 | ||||
Wilson, Anastasia | Disability Advocate Engagement Specialist | Interdisciplinary Training, UCEDD | awilson32@wisc.edu | Schears, Julie | jaschears@wisc.edu | |||
Winters, Ida | Family Engagement Specialist | Interdisciplinary Training, UCEDD | iwinters@wisc.edu | Chodron, Gail | chodron@wisc.edu | |||
Wojahn, Emily | Quality Assurance Specialist | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | ewojahn@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7325 | 206 | Vedo, John | jvedo@wisc.edu | |
Won, Seongsik | AS | Research Specialist | Svaren Laboratory | swon9@wisc.edu | (608) 263-4413 | 660 | Svaren, John | john.svaren@wisc.edu |
Worrell, Malcolm | IT Professional I | Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory | mworrell@wisc.edu | Godar, Shelly | shelly.godar@wisc.edu | |||
Xiong, Mai | Research Intern | Gamm Laboratory | mxiong67@wisc.edu | T608 | Jager, Lindsey | ldjager@wisc.edu | ||
Xu, Yuchen | Research Specialist | Rizvi Laboratory | yxu649@wisc.edu | 715 | Rizvi, Abbas | ahrizvi@wisc.edu | ||
Xu, Zhiyan | Research Assistant | Zhao Laboratory | zxu457@wisc.edu | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | |||
Yan, Yuanwei | AS | Scientist I | Zhang Laboratory | yyan73@wisc.edu | (608) 262-8969 | 639 | Chang, Qiang | qchang@waisman.wisc.edu |
Yang, Choutae | Research Administrator | Grants Admin, Administration | cyang96@wisc.edu | (608) 261-1514 | 265 | Lee, Pao | pao.lee@wisc.edu | |
Yapici, Sefer | AS | Researcher I | Cengiz Laboratory | syapici@wisc.edu | (608) 262-0943 | T510 | Cengiz, Pelin | CENGIZ@PEDIATRICS.WISC.EDU |
Yazbec, David | WECP Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | dayazbec@wisc.edu | (608) 262-9456 | S157 | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu | |
Yin, Yanhong | Researcher I | Chang Laboratory | yin52@wisc.edu | Chang, Qiang | QCHANG@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | |||
Yin, Yingnan | AS | Research Specialist | UW Human Stem Cell Core | YYIN8@WISC.EDU | (608) 890-4911 | 641C | Bhattacharyya, Anita | bhattacharyy@waisman.wisc.edu |
Yokosh, Frank | Registered Nurse | Waisman Center Clinics | fyokosh@uwhealth.org | 149 | ||||
Yoon, Christy | Postdoctoral Trainee (T32) | Post-Doctoral Training Program in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research | cyoon37@wisc.edu | 531 | Dean, Doug | |||
Yoon, Dasoo (Milton) | Project Assistant | Hartley Laboratory | dmyoon@wisc.edu | Hartley, Sigan | slhartley@wisc.edu | |||
Yoon, Jeung Eun | Psychologist | University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) | jyoon94@wisc.edu | (608) 265-4118 | 329 | DaWalt, Leann | LSMITH@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU | |
Zammit, Matthew | Radiochemist | Brain Imaging Core | mzammit@wisc.edu | T123 | Christian, Bradley | bchristian@wisc.edu | ||
Zeng, Yuyu | Research Associate | Brain Language and Acoustic Behavior (BLAB) Laboratory | yuyu.zeng@wisc.edu | (608) 262-5776 | 483 | Niziolek, Caroline | cniziolek@wisc.edu | |
Zhang, Yajie | ET1 | Research Associate | Zhao Laboratory | zhang2988@wisc.edu | Zhao, Xinyu | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | ||
Zhang, Ziyao | SA2 | Research Assistant | Chang Laboratory | zzhang2223@wisc.edu | (608) 262-7930 | 608 | Chang, Qiang | QCHANG@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU |
Zhao, Xinyu | Professor | Zhao Laboratory | xinyu.zhao@wisc.edu | (608) 263-9906 | T513 | |||
Zheng, Zihao | PD & Mfg Scientist I | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | zzheng239@wisc.edu | (608) 890-4650 | 217 | Walch, Matthew | mwalch@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Ziegler, Sara | Quality Control Scientist I | Waisman Biomanufacturing (WB) | seziegler@wisc.edu | (608) 890-0986 | 217 | Stiemke, Rita | rstiemke@wisc.edu | |
Zima, Evann | Research Technician | Infant Learning Laboratory | ezima@wisc.edu | Saffran, Jenny | jenny.saffran@wisc.edu | |||
Zoran, Sara | AS | Genetic Counselor | Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), UCEDD | zoran@wisc.edu | (608) 262-0182 | 356 | Turcott, Christie | mdurkin@wisc.edu |
Zubke, Kyla | AS | Behavioral Consultant | Community TIES, Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW), UCEDD | kyla.zubke@wisc.edu | (608) 890-1977 | Olin Ave. | Bass, Shawn | sbass@wisc.edu |
Zurbuchen, Lisa | Behavior Analyst | Autism Treatment Program | lzurbuchen@uwhealth.org | (608) 890-3622 | S119H | Murphy, Molly | memurph3@waisman.wisc.edu | |
Zwettler, Mackenzie | WECP Teacher | Waisman Early Childhood Program (WECP), UCEDD | mrzwettler@wisc.edu | Hoveland, Teresa | thoveland@wisc.edu | |||
Name | Empl Class Code | Job Title | Work Unit | Email Address | Business Phone | Office # | Supervisor | Supervisor Email Address |