- Elevated plus maze*
- Light-dark exploration*
- Marble burying*
- Passive avoidance*
- Visual cliff*
- Novel object recognition*
- Novel location test*
- Odorant discrimination*
- Rotational behavior*
* denotes that testing can be conducted in other rooms
- Morris water maze
- Rotarod
- Hot plate
- Horizontal ladder
- Acoustic startle
- Rotarod
- Treadscan gait analysis
- Social interaction/USVs*
- Balance beam*
- Grip strength*
- Wire suspension*
- Hot plate*
- Forced swim*
* denotes that testing can be conducted in other rooms
- Fear conditioning
- Open field activity
- Conditioned place preference
- 3-chambered sociability*
- Novel object recognition*
* denotes that testing can be conducted in other rooms
- Open field activity
- Novel object recognition
- Novel location test