Anjon Audhya, PhD
Position title: Professor, Biomolecular Chemistry

PhD, University of California, San Diego
Contact Information
1111 Highland Avenue
Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research (9th floor)
Madison, WI 53705
Lab Website: Audhya Lab
Research Statement
Our laboratory is committed to understanding fundamental mechanisms by which membrane proteins, lipids, and other macromolecules are transported throughout eukaryotic cells. To do so, we take advantage of numerous interdisciplinary approaches, including biochemistry, structural biology, biophysics, genetics, molecular biology and high resolution fluorescence and electron microscopy.
Additionally, we use a variety of experimental systems, ranging from simple animal models (e.g. Caenorhabditis elegans) to human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We also aim to recapitulate individual steps of membrane transport in vitro, using recombinant proteins and chemically defined lipids. Our ultimate goal is to identify the regulatory pathways that control membrane deformation, which enable vesicle formation in the endosomal and secretory systems. Although basic research is the cornerstone of our program, we also seek to define pathomechanisms that underlie human disease, focusing on the impact of mutations in key trafficking components that lead to cancer, neurodegeneration, asthma, and diabetes. For more information, please visit our lab webpage:
Selected Publications
Paul, S., Audhya, A., & Cui, Q. (2023). Molecular mechanism of GTP binding- and dimerization-induced enhancement of Sar1-mediated membrane remodeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(8), e2212513120.
Lynch, A. M., Zhu, Y., Lucas, B. G., Winkelman, J. D., Bai, K., Martin, S. C. T., Block, S., Slabodnick, M. M., Audhya, A., Goldstein, B., Pettitt, J., Gardel, M. L., & Hardin, J. (2022). TES-1/Tes and ZYX-1/Zyxin protect junctional actin networks under tension during epidermal morphogenesis in the C. elegans embryo. Current biology : CB, 32(23), 5189–5199.e6.
Clarke, A. L., Lettman, M. M., & Audhya, A. (2022). Lgd regulates ESCRT-III complex accumulation at multivesicular endosomes to control intralumenal vesicle formation. Molecular biology of the cell, 33(14), ar144.
Britigan, E. M. C., Wan, J., Sam, D. K., Copeland, S. E., Lasek, A. L., Hrycyniak, L. C. F., Wang, L., Audhya, A., Burkard, M. E., Roopra, A., & Weaver, B. A. (2022). Increased Aurora B expression reduces substrate phosphorylation and induces chromosomal instability. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 10, 1018161.
Peotter, J. L., Pustova, I., Lettman, M. M., Shatadal, S., Bradberry, M. M., Winter-Reed, A. D., Charan, M., Sharkey, E. E., Alvin, J. R., Bren, A. M., Oie, A. K., Chapman, E. R., Salamat, M. S., & Audhya, A. (2022). TFG regulates secretory and endosomal sorting pathways in neurons to promote their activity and maintenance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(40), e2210649119.
Shankar, R., Lettman, M. M., Whisler, W., Frankel, E. B., & Audhya, A. (2022). The ESCRT machinery directs quality control over inner nuclear membrane architecture. Cell reports, 38(3), 110263.
Mandal, T., Spagnolie, S. E., Audhya, A., & Cui, Q. (2021). Protein-induced membrane curvature in coarse-grained simulations. Biophysical Journal, 120(15), 3211–3221.
Dieterich, I. A., Cui, Y., Braun, M. M., Lawton, A. J., Robinson, N. H., Peotter, J. L., Yu, Q., Casler, J. C., Glick, B. S., Audhya, A., Denu, J. M., Li, L., & Puglielli, L. (2021). Acetyl-CoA flux from the cytosol to the ER regulates engagement and quality of the secretory pathway. Scientific reports, 11(1), 2013.
Mandal, T., Lough, W., Spagnolie, S. E., Audhya, A., & Cui, Q. (2020). Molecular Simulation of Mechanical Properties and Membrane Activities of the ESCRT-III Complexes. Biophysical journal, 118(6), 1333–1343.
Peotter J, Kasberg W, Pustova I, Audhya A. (2019). COPII-mediated trafficking at the ER/ERGIC interface. Traffic, 20(7):491-503. doi: 10.1111/tra.12654.
Jones JR, Kong L, Hanna MG 4th, Hoffman B, Krencik R, Bradley R, Hagemann T, Choi J, Doers M, Dubovis M, Sherafat MA, Bhattacharyya A, Kendziorski C, Audhya A, Messing A, Zhang SC. (2018). Mutations in GFAP Disrupt the Distribution and Function of Organelles in Human Astrocytes. Cell Reports, 25(4):947-958.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.09.083.
Slosarek EL, Schuh AL, Pustova I, Johnson A, Bird J, Johnson M, Frankel EB, Bhattacharya N, Hanna MG, Burke JE, Ruhl DA, Quinney K, Block S, Peotter JL, Chapman ER, Sheets MD, Butcher SE, Stagg SM, Audhya A. (2018). Pathogenic TFG Mutations Underlying Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Impair Secretory Protein Trafficking and Axon Fasciculation. Cell Reports, 24(9):2248-2260. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.07.081.
Hwang B, Phan FP, McCool K, Choi EY, You J, Johnson A, Audhya A, Miyamoto S. (2015) Quantification of Cellular NEMO Content and Its Impact on NF-κB Activation by Genotoxic Stress. PLoS One. 5;10(3):e0116374. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116374.
Takahashi H, Mayers JR, Wang L, Edwardson JM, Audhya A. (2015) Hrs and STAM function synergistically to bind ubiquitin-modified cargoes in vitro. Biophysical Journal. 6;108(1):76-84. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2014.11.004.
Johnson A, Bhattacharya N, Hanna M, Pennington JG, Schuh AL, Wang L, Otegui MS, Stagg SM, Audhya A. (2015) TFG clusters COPII-coated transport carriers and promotes early secretory pathway organization. The EMBO Journal. 12;34(6):811-27. doi: 10.15252/embj.201489032.
Schuh AL, Hanna M, Quinney K, Wang L, Sarkeshik A, Yates JR, Audhya A. (2015) The VPS-20 subunit of the endosomal sorting complex ESCRT-III exhibits an open conformation in the absence of upstream activation. Biochemical Journal. 15;466(3):625-37. doi: 10.1042/BJ20141202.
Wan J, Zhu F, Zasadil LM, Yu J, Wang L, Johnson A, Berthier E, Beebe DJ, Audhya A, Weaver BA. (2014) A Golgi-localized pool of the mitotic checkpoint component Mad1 controls integrin secretion and cell migration. Current Biology. 17;24(22):2687-92. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.09.052.