Justin Wolter, PhD

Position title: Assistant Professor, Medical Genetics

Justin Wolter, PhD

PhD, Arizona State

Contact Information

Genetics Biotechnology Center Building
425 Henry Mall, Room 5302A
Madison, WI 53706
The Wolter Lab

Research Statement

My primary scientific interest is how genetic variation shapes brain development. By leveraging my training in genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, and neurodevelopment, my lab is studying how genetic variation both common and rare alters neurodevelopment, and in turn influences risk and resilience to neurological disorders. This broad interest has led me to study several neurological disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, and ataxia. There are many common features across these disorders, allowing us to develop tools and resources that can be applied broadly to understanding underlying molecular deficiencies. In the past several years my work has focused on two questions: 1. How does common genetic variation affect molecular and cellular phenotypes in autism spectrum disorder, and 2. What neurodevelopmental processes predispose a neuron to neurodegenerative insult, and what pathways do cells employ to survive? To answer these questions we use both human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and classic genetic mouse models, and technologies such as massively parallel cell culture, single cell RNAsequencing, and proteomics.

Selected Publications
