Title: Gene expression analysis of dorsal and ventral neural progenitors from Down syndrome iPSCs
Legend: A. Principal control analysis (PCA) shows that progenitors differed by patterning (dorsal versus ventral) and by trisomy 21 status (control or Down syndrome (DS)). B. Gene expression analysis showed 2,282 differentially expressed genes between DS and control in ventral progenitors and 1,057 differentially expressed genes in dorsal progenitors (all with p-adj values <0.01). Of these differentially expressed genes, 36 of the ventral and 45 of the dorsal are encoded on human chromosome 21.
Citation: Martinez JM, Sirois CL, Giffin-Rao Y, Anita Bhattacharyya. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2019, Chicago IL.
Abstract: To identify mechanisms that lead to neurodevelopmental differences in Down syndrome, we used induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) generated from individuals with Down syndrome and differentiated them into progenitors of the cerebral cortex. The progenitors were analyzed by RNA Seq at Day 17 in culture when cells have acquired their positional phenotype.
About the Lab: Anita Bhattacharyya’s lab examines how brain development is altered in developmental disorders characterized by intellectual impairment. The cerebral cortex is the most complex area of the brain and is responsible for functions unique to humans, such as language and abstract thought. Problems in any of the crucial cerebral cortex formation steps can lead to intellectual impairment.