Waisman Director Serves as Guest Editor on Special Journal Issue

The American Journal on Mental Retardation Publishes Special Issue on Aging and Developmental Disabilities

The American Journal on Mental Retardation announced the publication of a special issue devoted to aging in individuals with developmental disabilities.

Developmental disabilities last a lifetime and the process of aging is as significant to persons with disabilities as it is to the society at large. Further, research on aging in the disability field has had major implications for the general population. For example, the recent discovery of the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), a neurodegenerative disorder that affects men over 50 was discovered in the context of research on fragile X syndrome, a developmental disability. FXTAS and other significant, contemporary developments in the area of aging and intellectual disabilities research are now featured in a new, special issue of the American Journal on Mental Retardation (AJMR) titled “Aging and Developmental Disabilities: Life Course Trajectories.”

“This is an exciting time for the Journal to be devoting an entire issue to the topic of aging,” says guest editor of the special issue Dr. Marsha Mailick Seltzer. “It shows that there is sufficient research that warrants attention and the collection of papers in this special issue can make significant contributions to the knowledge base of the disability field and beyond.” Dr. Seltzer is the Director of the Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has spent her career studying the impact of disabilities on families.

The special issue consists of 9 articles by more than 40 experts and covers a broad range of topics, including major issues pertaining to Down syndrome and dementia.

For interviews, contact: Dr. Marsha Mailick Seltzer at 608-263-5940 or mseltzer@Waisman.Wisc.Edu Dr. William E. MacLean, Jr at 307-766-2944 or MacLean@uwyo.edu

The American Journal on Mental Retardation is among the top three journals in special education and rehabilitation and is published bi-monthly by the American Association on Mental Retardation. The journal is edited by Dr. William E. MacLean, Jr. at the University of Wyoming.

Founded in 1876, the mission of AAMR is to promote progressive policies, sound research, effective practices, and universal human rights for people with intellectual disabilities.