Advising Research through the Lens of Lived Experience: How Individuals with Disabilities and their Families are Shaping Research

NOTE: Each individual interviewed for this story stated their preference between person-first or identity-first language. The language used reflects the preference of each person. Researchers interviewed use identity-first language in alignment with the preferences of …

A Family’s Committment to Down Syndrome Research at the Waisman Center Spans Four Decades and Counting

When Heather Huismann was in middle school she called the police on her teacher. “He was not teaching me very well,” Heather says. So, she did what her parents taught her to do when there …

Memory impairment after severe traumatic brain injury in adolescents related to size and connectivity changes in the hippocampus and beyond.

Memory impairment as a result of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) has long been associated solely with the hippocampus, the brain’s learning and memory center. However, new research published in the journal Brain Imaging and Behavior, reveals that the hippocampus is not acting alone.