Title: Musashi1, a neural RNA binding protein, is important in translationally repressing target transcripts during quiescence in adult hippocampal neural stem cells
Legend: A) RT-qPCR quantification of relative Vim mRNA in MSI1-IRES-mScarlet overexpression (MSI1 O/E) conditions normalized to IRES-mScarlet overexpression only (Ctrl) in VIM-mNeon qNSCs and aNSCs (Morrow et al., 2020). (N=3. Mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey’s test). B) Representative images of soluble portions of VIM and ACTB protein levels in MSI O/E vs. Ctrl in VIM-mNeon qNSCs and aNSCs. C) Quantification of VIM protein expression (A.U) in MSI1 OE or Ctrl in VIM-mNeon qNSCs and aNSCs. Normalized to qNSC ctrl within each N. (N=3; Mean ± SD. One-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey’s test). D) A one-hour EdU pulse at 48hr quiescence exit (48hr qExit) followed by flow cytometry shows MSI1 overexpression significantly reduced rates of quiescence exit as compared to controls (WT or mScarlet). (N=4; Mean ± SD; One-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey’s test). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.
Citation: Lear, B.P., Klosa P.C., Lungova K., Shaibi T.F., Benayoun B., Moore D.L. Characterization of RNA Binding Protein regulation in neural stem cells quiescence exit. (manuscript in preparation)
Investigator: Darcie L. Moore, PhD
About the Lab: The Moore Lab is interested in understanding the mechanisms that neural stem cells (NSCs) utilize to stay active during aging. More specifically, the Moore Lab is interested in understanding how NSCs utilize asymmetric cell division to maintain a pristine proteome and preserve cellular function.