The CTC clinical psychologist provides psychological assessment, training, and supervision services to support phenotypic characterization of human participants for IDDRC projects. Expertise is available to support study teams in characterizing participants across many domains (e.g., behavioral, developmental, cognitive), with an emphasis on the assessment of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities.
Examples of psychological services include:
- Direct assessment administration and scoring
- Training and supervision of project staff in assessment administration and scoring
- Provision of psychological interventions for research purposes
- Analysis and interpretation of assessment results
- Consultation on phenotyping approaches, including selection of diagnostic and standardized measures, and adaptations needed for individuals with disabilities
- Participation in project team quality assurance activities, including establishment of initial research reliability and maintenance of fidelity over time on autism-specific measures (e.g., ADOS-2, ADI-R)
- Consultation in best practices for presentation of findings to research participants, including written reports.
Refer to rates.
Please direct requests and inquiries for psychological services to the CTC Research Coordinator at