Special Seminar: Julie Schneider, “SciENcv, myBibliography, & NIHMS: An Introduction”
February 20, 2015.
Julie Schneider, Ebling Library Director, discussed the new tool for creating biosketches, SciENcv, and how it works with other NCBI resources, including ORCHID.
- Powerpoint Presentation (PPT Format )
- NCBI Grant Compliance Applications Reporting (PPT format )
- New Biosketch Format & SciENcv Overview (MS Word )
- SciENcv_flyer_NCBI (PDF Format )
- SciENcv: The easy to use biosketch tool (MS Word )
- ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID information sheet (MS Word )
- Method A Submission Method – List of Journals (Web Link )