Child Brain Imaging Development Study (Alexander)
The Quantitative Brain Imaging Technology Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin – Madison is recruiting infants and young children between 1 and 24 months of age for a research study aimed to develop new brain …
Are you a young adult with Down syndrome looking to make brain waves for science? (Litovsky)
Our Goals: We hope you will be a part of the first study for young adults with Down syndrome to combine: Who can help? Young adults with Down syndrome who are: 18 to 24 years …
El E studio C erebro S ano y D esarrollo I nfantil – HBCD, por sus siglas en inglés (Dean)
¿Qué es el Estudio HBCD? El Estudio HBCD inscribirá a un conjunto grande de familias participantes de todos los Estados Unidos y hará un seguimiento a estas familias y a sus hijos durante la primera …
The Healthy Brain and Child Development – HBCD – Study (Dean)
What is the HBCD Study? The HBCD Study will enroll a large cohort of participating families from across the U.S. and follow them and their children through early childhood. The researchers want to better understand …
Alzheimer’s Biomarkers Consortium – Down Syndrome: ABC-DS (Christian & Hartley)
The National Institutes of Health-funded Alzheimer’s Biomarkers Consortium – Down Syndrome (ABC-DS), a large multi-center research initiative to find biomarkers to track Alzheimer’s disease in Down syndrome. The Waisman Center is part of this multi-site …
UW LINK Study (Li and Travers)
Children between 4-7 years old with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder are invited to participate in our new study about autism and ADHD. Families will be asked to visit the Waisman Center once per …
Pediatric Brain Care Study (Ferrazzano & Alexander)
The Pediatric Brain Care Study is recruiting typically developing children, 9-17 years old, with no history of head injury for a brain imaging research study. Those who participate will have a MRI brain scanning and …
Baby Brain Recovery Study (Gillick)
Call us to learn more and find out if your baby is eligible to join! 608-381-2699 We invite you and your child to take part in a research study about how the brain changes in …