LEADer Study (A. Sterling)

The relationship between language and executive function in DLD and FXS over time (LEADer Study)

RIDDLL Logo - Audra Sterling LabThe purpose of this research is to better understand how skills related to executive function like memory and flexible thinking are related to grammar and language comprehension and production in children with FXS, DS, and DLD, and a comparison group of neurotypical children. Participants will complete standardized tests, a hearing screening, a language sample, as well as experimental executive function tasks presented on a computer. Parents/legal guardians will complete several questionnaires about their child’s behaviors and communication abilities, and biological mothers will also have the option to complete study tasks. For participants in the FXS, DLD, or NT group, testing is comprised of two study visits, spaced two years apart. Only one timepoint is completed for the DS group. All of the testing is done at the Waisman Center, and can be scheduled at your convenience with multiple visits per timepoint. Travel costs (e.g., flights, mileage, hotel) will be paid for by the project, and families receive $75 for participation at each time point. For more information or to see if your child is eligible please contact the study coordinator at riddll@waisman.wisc.edu

Children with DLD often display difficulties:

  • Talking to peers and adults
  • Understanding others or following directions
  • Making friends and completing school work
  • Learning and understanding new words
  • Learning to read or write
  • Using some pronouns (e.g., “her play with me” instead of “she plays with me”)
  • Using verbs (e.g., is, are, do, does, caught, fell) and verb endings (walks, runs, painted, washed) consistently in sentences, sometimes using sentences like these:
    • Yesterday, he go to school (instead of went)
    • Yesterday, he walk_ to school (instead of walked)
    • Everyday, he go to school (instead of goes)
    • He __ hungry (instead of “he is hungry”)
    • He __ playing with me (instead of “he is playing with me”)=