The Quantitative Brain Imaging Technology Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin – Madison is recruiting infants and young children between 1 and 24 months of age for a research study aimed to develop new brain …
Studies Currently Recruiting
LEADer Study (A. Sterling)
The relationship between language and executive function in DLD and FXS over time (LEADer Study) The purpose of this research is to better understand how skills related to executive function like memory and flexible thinking …
Are you a young adult with Down syndrome looking to make brain waves for science? (Litovsky)
Our Goals: We hope you will be a part of the first study for young adults with Down syndrome to combine: Who can help? Young adults with Down syndrome who are: 18 to 24 years …
Leveraging Technology to Identify Outcome Measures for Young Children with Down Syndrome (Sterling)
If you are a parent of a child ages two to five years with Down syndrome, you are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Dr. Audra Sterling’s Lab at the Waisman Center, …
Healthy Little Eyes Study (Cengiz)
Help us understand how babies’ eyes function changes over time! About The Study: We invite your child to take part in a research study about how a child’s visual function is related to their future …
El E studio C erebro S ano y D esarrollo I nfantil – HBCD, por sus siglas en inglés (Dean)
¿Qué es el Estudio HBCD? El Estudio HBCD inscribirá a un conjunto grande de familias participantes de todos los Estados Unidos y hará un seguimiento a estas familias y a sus hijos durante la primera …
The Healthy Brain and Child Development – HBCD – Study (Dean)
What is the HBCD Study? The HBCD Study will enroll a large cohort of participating families from across the U.S. and follow them and their children through early childhood. The researchers want to better understand …
Binaural Hearing and Speech Lab (Litovsky)
Recruiting typically developing children 7-12 years of age who meet the following criteria: Native English speakers, normal hearing, no history of recurring ear infections, and pressure equalization (PE) tubes. To find out more visit the …
Alzheimer’s Biomarkers Consortium – Down Syndrome: ABC-DS (Christian & Hartley)
The National Institutes of Health-funded Alzheimer’s Biomarkers Consortium – Down Syndrome (ABC-DS), a large multi-center research initiative to find biomarkers to track Alzheimer’s disease in Down syndrome. The Waisman Center is part of this multi-site …
UW LINK Study (Li and Travers)
Children between 4-7 years old with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder are invited to participate in our new study about autism and ADHD. Families will be asked to visit the Waisman Center once per …