Austin Pier (Gomez laboratory) – Slide of the Week

Tim Gomez Slide of the Week

Title: Acute TSC2 re-expression in null neurons normalizes some functions

Legend: Re-expression of Halo-TSC2 for 1 DIV in TSC2-/- cortical neurons reduces hyper-phosphorylated S6 and increased neurite length (not shown) but fails to restore RhoA signaling to WT levels. Images show examples uninfected TSC2-/- neurons (above) and null neurons re-expressing Halo-TSC2 (below).  Note strong Halo labeling of neuron below and strong P-S6 labeling of TSC2 null neuron above.  Quantitative measurements of specific immunolabeling shows compartment specific changes.

Citation: Unpublished, Austin Pier (Gomez laboratory)

Slide Author: Austin Pier

Investigator: Timothy M. Gomez, PhD 

About the Lab: The Gomez laboratory focuses on the intracellular mechanisms that regulate growth cone motility and behavior. Growth cones are sensory-motor specializations at the tips of all growing axons and dendrites that detect and transduce extracellular cues into guided outgrowth. Great advances have been made in recent years in our understanding of the factors that contribute to guided axon extension. Many new classes of ligands and their receptors have been discovered and we are beginning to appreciate how growth cones integrate multiple extracellular stimuli and convert those signals into stereotyped behaviors.

Austin Pier
Austin Pier

Timothy M Gomez, PhD
Tim Gomez, PhD

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