Glomax Platereader

About the GloMax®–Multi+ with Instinct™ Software

  • Measures luminescence, fluorescence, visible or UV-visible absorbance in 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, and 384-well plate formats. Instinct™ software allows data analysis right on the touch screen.
  • Single or dual auto injectors are available for flash-based luminescence applications or dual-reporter assays. Each injector system has a volume range of 25 – 200 μl in 5μl increments for 6- to 96-well plate formats.
  • Luminescence module (factory installed):
    >8 Logs Dynamic Range
    Dual-masking System Reduces Crosstalk
    3 x 10-21 Moles Luciferase Detection or 1 x 10-18 moles ATP
Recommended injectors
2 Dual reporter assays
0 teady glo Luciferase assays
1 Flash glo luciferase assays
1 Cell viability/ATP assays
1 Kinetics

Fluorescence Module (user installed):

To achieve high performance, the Fluorescence Module uses powerful light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as excitation sources. Five standard optical kits are available to measure the most popular fluorophores.

Fluorescence Optical Kit
Typical applications
UV Optical Kit
Ex: 365 nm
Em: 410 – 460 nm
DNA Quantification (Hoechst dye), Enzyme Activity (4-methyl-umbelliferone)
Blue Optical Kit
Ex: 490 nm
Em: 510 – 570 nm
DNA Quantitation, RNA Quantitation, Protein Labeling (Fluorescein), Protein Quantitation,
Gene Expression (EGFP, rAcGFP)
Green Optical Kit
Ex: 525 nm
Em: 580 – 640 nm
Nucleotide or Protein Labeling (Rhodamine, Cy3),
Enzyme Activity (Rhodamine)
Red Optical Kit
Ex: 625 nm
Em: 660 – 720 nm
Nucleotide or Protein Labeling (Cy5), RNA Quantitation
AFC Optical Kit
Ex: 405 nm
Em: 495 – 505 nm
Cell Viability, Cytotoxicity, and Apoptosis Multiplex Assays

Absorbance module (user installable):

The GloMax-Multi+ Microplate Multimode Reader provides you with two different options for making photometric measurements. A Visible Absorbance Module (450 – 750 nm) or a UV-Visible Absorbance Module (200 – 1100 nm). Both modules are user installable.

260 DNA and RNA Quantification
280 Protein
450 ELISA, QuantiCleave™ Protease Assay
560 BCA™ Protein Assays
600 Bradford Protein Assays, Coomassie Blue Protein Assays,
PeroXOquant™ Quantitative Peroxide Assay
750 Lowry Protein Assay

Contact the CMN staff to be trained on or if you have questions about this equipment.