Meditation matters. Brain scientists are using the age-old practice to understand stress and pain reduction, attention spans, even compassion.
Research of Richard Davidson shows how meditation changes the mind
By Dave Tenenbaum, University Communications For hundreds of years, Tibetan monks and other religious people have used meditation to calm the mind and improve concentration. This week, a new study shows exactly how one common …
Meditation may fine-tune control over attention
Everyday experience and psychology research both indicate that paying close attention to one thing can keep you from noticing something else.
Richard Davidson’s research cited: the effect of meditation on brain
In the first scientific article to come from its pioneering studies of long-term Buddhist meditation practitioners, a UW-Madison team has found that long-term meditators (or “adepts”) show markedly different patterns of brain electrical oscillations compared to a group with no previous meditative experience, when both of them generated a standard meditative practice.
Serenity Now
The search for happiness can take many paths.
Meditation produces positive changes in the brain
In a small but highly provocative study, a UW-Madison research team has found, for the first time, that a short program in “mindfulness meditation” produced lasting positive changes in both the brain and the function of the immune system.