Wisconsin Public Television’s Wisconsin Life recently featured Klawiter, a young artist with autism, who for the past decade has been designing and selling holiday cards across Sawyer County, raising awareness for autism and more than …
Giizhik Klawiter
A kid. His cards. And a cause.
Diagnosed with autism when he was five years old, Giizhik learned to draw before he learned to speak. He poured his energy into turning the cartoons that fascinated him into a world of his own artwork. – See more at: http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/news2016-Holiday-Cards.htm#sthash.tjq3cpUt.dpuf
Holiday cards for autism
Giizhik Klawiter has autism and began drawing at six years old as a therapeutic outlet. For the last six years, Giizhik and his brother Mino have designed holiday greeting cards and sold them in their hometown of Hayward, Wisconsin with the help of their mother, Pam Miller.
Holiday cards for autism 2014
Giizhik Klawiter has autism and began drawing at six years old as a therapeutic outlet. For the last five years, Giizhik and his brother Mino have designed holiday greeting cards and sold them in their …
Giizhik’s holiday cards for autism research available
Giizhik Klawiter has autism and began drawing at six years old as a therapeutic outlet. For the last five years, Giizhik and his brother Mino have designed holiday greeting cards and sold them in their …
Boy with autism funds research with hand-drawn holiday cards
Giizhik Klawiter has never been so much as a visitor to the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Waisman Center, but the 10-year-old boy with autism from Hayward, Wis., is one of the most faithful supporters of the center’s developmental disabilities research.