Jenny Saffran discusses research findings on “Office Hours”
Saffran is an investigator at the Waisman Center and a Distinguished Professor of Psychology in the College of Letters & Science. Her lab, the Infant Learning Lab, has an international reputation in the area of developmental psychology and she has received a number of major awards, including several early career awards from the American Psychological Association.
September 15, 2009Friends of the Waisman Center Annual Reception & Awards
The Friends reception took place on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. in the 8th floor Ziemann Suite. This event brought together more than 80 people, including members of the Friend's organization and faculty, staff, and students of the Waisman Center. The program featured an update on the previous year's activities and achievements at the Waisman Center by center director Marsha Mailick Seltzer, PhD.
August 28, 2009Wisconsin team grows retina cells from skin-derived stem cells
A team of scientists from the School of Medicine and Public Health has successfully grown multiple types of retina cells from two types of stem cells — suggesting a future in which damaged retinas could be repaired by cells grown from the patient's own skin.
August 24, 2009First cGMP Feeder-Independent Pluripotent Stem Cell Banks Released for Distribution
WiCell Research Institute and Waisman Clinical Biomanufacturing Facility offer new stem cell banks to support translational research through clinical applications The WiCell™ Research Institute and the Waisman Clinical Biomanufacturing Facility (WCBF) announced today the …
July 9, 2009Early Childhood Stress Has Lingering Effects on Health
Stressful experiences in early childhood can have long-lasting impacts on kids' health that persist well beyond the resolution of the situation.
January 28, 2009Expectant Brains Help Predict Anxiety Treatment Success
A network of emotion-regulating brain regions implicated in the pathological worry that can grip patients with anxiety disorders may also be useful for predicting the benefits of treatment.
January 5, 2009- More 2009 posts