Hearing loss and cognition both play a role in speech recognition for young adults with Down syndrome
For young adults with Down syndrome, understanding speech is not only related to hearing abilities, but it may also be impacted by cognition.
December 4, 2024Impact Report 2024 Introduction
Dear Waisman Community: For more than 50 years the Waisman Center has been at the intersection of discovery and hope – forging new paths in research and clinical care. One of our strengths is the …
December 3, 2024Advising Research through the Lens of Lived Experience: How Individuals with Disabilities and their Families are Shaping Research
NOTE: Each individual interviewed for this story stated their preference between person-first or identity-first language. The language used reflects the preference of each person. Researchers interviewed use identity-first language in alignment with the preferences of …
December 3, 2024A Family’s Committment to Down Syndrome Research at the Waisman Center Spans Four Decades and Counting
When Heather Huismann was in middle school she called the police on her teacher. “He was not teaching me very well,” Heather says. So, she did what her parents taught her to do when there …
December 3, 2024Memory impairment after severe traumatic brain injury in adolescents related to size and connectivity changes in the hippocampus and beyond.
Memory impairment as a result of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) has long been associated solely with the hippocampus, the brain’s learning and memory center. However, new research published in the journal Brain Imaging and Behavior, reveals that the hippocampus is not acting alone.
October 9, 2024UW-Madison’s Cool Science Image Contest: Waisman Winners
Matt Zammit, PhD, Waisman scientist in the Brain Imaging Core, and affiliate investigator Erik Dent, PhD, are both winners of UW-Madison’s Cool Science Image Contest.
October 4, 2024Planning ahead: The Wisconsin Integrated Transition Planning Project facilitates access to resources for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities to plan for adulthood
A big part about turning 18 is planning ahead and setting yourself up for success in adulthood. Whether that be what to study, where to go to college, or deciding to start in the workforce …
September 26, 2024Taking out the trash: New study finds clearing specific cell “trash” is possible and may be target for future treatments of neurodegenerative diseases
Cells make a lot of trash. Probably more than you’d think. So, cells have a trash disposal system that efficiently cleans up and recycles any waste that is produced. But when there are issues with the disposal system and trash builds up in the cell, that can lead to disease. This has led researchers to consider the trash disposal system as a target for potential disease treatments and therapies.
September 17, 2024Behind the scenes of research participation at the Waisman Center: Infant Learning Lab
The lab focuses on studying how infants and young children learn language, learn the meaning of words, find patterns in language and track the properties of speech.
September 11, 2024WECP Announces New Director
The Waisman Early Childhood Program recently announced that Teresa Hoveland will become the next director of the program. Hoveland is assuming the leadership role after Nancy Saevang, the current director, steps down at the end of August.
August 16, 2024Waisman Center investigators receive Kellett Fellowship and Romnes Award
Thirty-two UW–Madison faculty have been awarded fellowships from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research for 2024-25. The awardees span the four research divisions on campus: arts and humanities, physical sciences, social sciences and …
August 8, 2024Waisman Center IDDRC funds three pilot projects on novel Down syndrome research
Three Waisman Center investigators and affiliates were awarded an internal grant to support Down syndrome research in its early stages. The funds were made possible through the Ann Dewey Down Syndrome Catalyst Fund at the Waisman Center.
August 1, 2024Waisman welcomes new Autism and Developmental Disabilities Clinic director
After an extensive national search, the Waisman Center is delighted to welcome Lily Wagner, PhD, BCBA, as the new director of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Clinic.
July 30, 2024Research seeks strategies to optimize dual language learning in bilingual children
Bilingual children can be flexible in the ways they learn two languages simultaneously.
July 24, 2024Fulbright takes Waisman worldwide: Three Waisman researchers awarded Fulbrights to expand research on a global scale
One Waisman Center investigator and two graduate students awarded Fulbright scholarships
July 16, 2024Connecting Families: Waisman network helps families with special needs through peer support
Caring for someone with a disability is not a singular experience. It differs widely across families with different disabilities presenting their own joys and challenges. Creating spaces where families of individuals with disabilities can come together and share their experiences can be an important comfort and support while navigating life.
June 28, 2024The rippling effect of sharing knowledge: How Project ECHO is helping create better access to resources and supports for individuals with disabilities
Accessing services, resources, and knowledgeable physicians can be a challenge for the disability community. It is often the case that the resources and information needed to properly care for individuals with disabilities is not widespread, leaving many families lacking access or needing to travel far distances.
June 28, 2024¡A movernos!: La actividad física puede ser desafiante, pero muy beneficiosa para las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo; algunas modificaciones pueden ayudar
Dicen que el movimiento es medicina y si bien la actividad física tiene tantos beneficios para todos, ¿qué haces cuando moverte es un desafío? Para algunos el desafío es el tiempo, para otros la motivación, pero para las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo (IDD, por sus siglas en inglés) existen muchas barreras que pueden hacer que la actividad física sea un poco más difícil de lograr.
June 27, 2024Let’s get moving: physical activity can be challenging but highly beneficial for individuals with developmental disabilities, a few modifications may help
Español By Charlene N. Rivera-Bonet | Waisman Science Writer The researchers interviewed for this story use identity-first language in alignment with the preferences of many of those in the autistic community. This story reflects that preference. …
June 26, 2024Physician, educator, mentor: After three decades at Waisman, Wargowski Retires
Wargowski, after three decades of providing exceptional patient care to hundreds of patients in the Medical Genetics Clinics at Waisman, is retiring at the end of June.
June 25, 202414 Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship Recipients at Waisman
14 undergraduate students from the labs of Waisman Center investigators and affiliates were awarded the Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship, which includes a stipend for students and for their research advisors. Students will have the opportunity …
June 19, 2024Kathleen Kastner Selected for 2024 SMPH Dean’s Teaching Award
Kathleen Kastner, MD, associate professor, Division of Developmental Pediatrics and Rehabilitation Medicine, and developmental behavioral pediatrician in the Waisman Center's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Clinic and Newborn Follow-Up Clinic, was selected for a 2024 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) Dean’s Teaching Award.
June 19, 2024Organoids are becoming more popular in research, consistency in their use is needed for more accurate results
To the naked eye, they look like tiny blobs free floating in a pink liquid. Under a light microscope, they look similar. But organoids, a 3-D mini version of an organ grown in a lab, may contain invaluable information about how the human brain develops.
June 11, 2024Early feeding challenges predict later feeding challenge’s type and severity in autistic children
Feeding challenges seen in an autistic child’s first few years can help predict the type and severity of feeding challenges the child may experience later on.
June 3, 2024Meredith Vitaioli named new director of the Children’s Resource Center-South
The Children’s Resource Center-South (CRC) named Meredith Vitaioli as their new director in April.
May 16, 2024Mentor award winners guide undergraduate learning
The nominations for this year’s recipients read like a textbook of great mentoring practices – meeting students where they’re at, getting to know them as scholars and individuals, and guiding their learning with just the right mix of challenge and support.
May 10, 2024After three decades of diverse service in genetics practice and regional outreach, David Wargowski will retire
From his arrival at the Department of Pediatrics in 1990 and for the next 30-plus years, David Wargowski, MD, professor in the Division of Genetics and Metabolism, has served tirelessly, addressing genetically based diseases and health conditions of the region’s children.
April 26, 2024At UW-Madison, autistic students navigate personal, classroom obstacles
There are 99 UW-Madison students on the autism spectrum, according to the McBurney Disability Resource Center’s 2022-23 annual report.
April 23, 2024A new grant from the Eagles Autism Foundation will help advance Waisman research on the genetic cause of autism
Studying the biological underpinnings of autism is exceptionally complex with more than 1000 genes thought to be associated with autism.
April 16, 2024Waisman Center welcomes new affiliated investigator Justin Wolter
By Emily Leclerc, Waisman Science Writer The Waisman Center welcomes a new affiliated investigator Justin Wolter, PhD, assistant professor of medical genetics. Wolter comes to Waisman and UW-Madison from the University of North Carolina at …
April 11, 2024Waisman postdoctoral fellow receives prestigious Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholar Award
Yu (Kristy) Guo, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Waisman investigator Xinyu Zhao, PhD, professor of neuroscience, was recently selected to receive the prestigious Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholar Award.
April 8, 2024New Research First to Test 60-Year-Old Theory on Autism
Autism is often associated with complex tasks like social processing and language and the later-developing brain regions that control them. But what if autism is more rooted in the earliest developing and most reflex-like part of the brain – the brainstem?
March 28, 2024Childhood maltreatment leads to flattened cortisol rhythms in adolescence, a costly adaptation to an adverse environment
Adolescents who experience sustained childhood maltreatment show high, inflexible cortisol levels that persist throughout the day in different social contexts, a new study shows. This flattened cortisol rhythm may be a pathway for poorer physical and mental health in youth that experience abuse.
March 26, 2024Life as neurodivergent people in Wisconsin
Waisman Center clinicians, Madeline Barger and Megan Farley, were featured on Wisconsin Public Radio's The Morning Show on "Life as Neurodivergent People in Wisconsin".
March 8, 2024Graduate student receives teaching award
Brooke Sasia, who is a graduate student in Waisman investigator James Li’s lab, recently received the Early Excellence in Teaching Award.
March 8, 2024The Clinical Translational Core at the Waisman Center welcomes new manager Laura Bradley
The Clinical Translational Core (CTC) welcomed Laura Bradley, MS, as the new manager last October.
February 5, 2024UW-Madison researchers first to 3D-print functional human brain tissue
A team of University of Wisconsin–Madison scientists has developed the first 3D-printed brain tissue that can grow and function like typical brain tissue.
February 1, 2024Estrogen receptor alpha mediates protection against hypoxic ischemic brain injury in newborn female mice, study shows
In her practice as a pediatric intensivist, Cengiz noticed that even with similar brain injuries, functional outcomes varied from child to child. “So, I began wondering what could be the potential mechanisms of these differences in outcome”, Cengiz says.
January 26, 2024How Physical Environment Shapes Language Learning in Toddlers
The environment in which toddlers learn language may have a greater impact on word learning than previously understood.
January 24, 2024Researcher clinicians help bridge the gap between scientific discovery and medical care – Part 2
There is no one “typical” type of researcher clinician. There are differences in training, percentage of focus on research vs clinic, and type of research done. Many also carry teaching and administrative responsibilities on top of their already demanding positions.
January 10, 2024Researcher clinicians help bridge the gap between scientific discovery and medical care – Part 1
Research and clinical services go hand in hand. One can’t effectively work without the other.
January 9, 2024Study Reveals Differences in Brain Structure for Older Autistic Adults
A recent study continues to add to the body of evidence that the brain structure of autistic individuals is different from the structure of neurotypical individuals.
January 8, 2024- More 2024 posts