Legend: The major foci in the brain that appear to show disparities in poor children are the hippocampus and frontal lobe. These 3D renderings depict the hippocampus in blue and the frontal lobe in red/yellow. …
Julie Poehlmann-Tynan, PhD
Legend: Change in HTKS total score by treatment group. Age of child controlled in analyses. DR dialogic reading only (TAU), MI mindfulness intervention Citation: Poehlmann-Tynan J, Vigna AB, Weymouth LA, Gerstein ED, Burnson C, Zabransky …
Poverty influences children’s early brain development
Poverty may have direct implications for important, early steps in the development of the brain, saddling children of low-income families with slower rates of growth in two key brain structures, according to researchers from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.