Recruiting typically developing children 7-12 years of age who meet the following criteria: Native English speakers, normal hearing, no history of recurring ear infections, and pressure equalization (PE) tubes. To find out more visit the …
Infant and Child Development
Pediatric Brain Care Study (Ferrazzano & Alexander)
The Pediatric Brain Care Study is recruiting typically developing children, 9-17 years old, with no history of head injury for a brain imaging research study. Those who participate will have a MRI brain scanning and …
Child Emotion Lab Studies (Pollak)
Research projects in the Child Emotion Lab are focused on children’s emotional development and the relationship between early life experiences and children’s mental health. We are particularly interested in understanding two related aspects of emotional …
Infant Learning Lab (Saffran)
We have a number of projects examining the learning processes that underlie language learning. Children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years are currently being recruited. PI: Jenny Saffran, PhD Keywords: Infant …
Language and Learning Studies (Kaushanskaya)
The Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Waisman Center is currently recruiting children ages 2 through 5 to participate in research on language development in monolingual and bilingual children. If your …
Speech Development Study (Hustad)
Our current research study examines speech characteristics in children. Opportunities to participate in the study will be coming in late Spring 2023. To be notified when the study begins and for questions about the study, …
Jenny Saffran, PhD – Slide of the Week
How do learners gather new information during word learning? One possibility is that learners selectively sample items that help them reduce uncertainty about new word meanings.
Doug Dean, III, PhD – Slide of the Week
White matter microstructure, essential for efficient and coordinated transmission of neural communications, undergoes pronounced development during the first years of life, while deviations to this neurodevelopmental trajectory likely result in alterations of brain connectivity relevant to behavior. Hence, systematic evaluation of white matter microstructure in the normative brain is critical for a neuroscientific approach to both typical and atypical early behavioral development.
Social Kids Lab (Shutts)
We study how children navigate the social world. Several ongoing studies address the development of social categories and preferences. We currently have studies for infants, preschoolers, and school-aged children. For more information, call 608.263.5853, email …
Jenny Saffran, PhD – Slide of the Week
Children use the presence of familiar objects with known names to identify the correct referents of novel words. In natural environments, objects vary widely in salience. The presence of familiar objects may sometimes hinder rather than help word learning.