A recent study shows that boys with fragile X syndrome and co-occurring ASD (fragile X + ASD), and autistic boys have similar patterns of linguistic errors and omit more words in conversations compared to non-autistic boys.
Nell Maltman
New NIH grant to study language use as potential predictor of neurodegenerative disorder in FMR1 premutation carriers
A new study will investigate if language differences can predict the development of a neurodegenerative disorder in people that carry a premutation of the gene FMR1.
Nell Maltman is a recipient of the inaugural Postdoc Excellence Awards
Nell Maltman, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Research in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (RIDDL) Lab under the direction of Waisman investigator Audra Sterling, PhD, was among nine postdocs to receive an inaugural Postdoc Excellence Award.