Title: Auditory-Perceptual Features of Speech in Children and Adults with Down syndrome: A Speech Profile Analysis Legend: Table 6 – Principal component loading matrix, first four principal components, vowel features. Note. The largest loadings (in …
Houri Vorperian
Houri K. Vorperian, PhD – Slide of the Week
We present a unified heat kernel smoothing framework for modeling 3D anatomical surface data extracted from medical images. Due to image acquisition and preprocessing noises, it is expected the medical imaging data is noisy. The surface data of the anatomical structures is regressed using the weighted linear combination of Laplace-Beltrami (LB) eigenfunctions to smooth out noisy data and perform statistical analysis.
Houri K. Vorperian, PhD – Slide of the Week
A single-word identification test was used to study speech production in children and adults with Down syndrome (DS) to determine the developmental pattern of speech intelligibility with an emphasis on vowels.
Houri Vorperian, PhD
We present a registration-based semi-automatic mandible segmentation (SAMS) pipeline designed to process a large number of computed tomography studies to segment three dimensional (3D) mandibles.
Houri Vorperian, PhD
Title: Hyoid bone fusion and bone density across the lifespan: prediction of age and sex Legend: Hyoid bone fusion rank definition (left panel) with images showing the same fusion rank bilaterally. The 3D Hyoid bone …
A bone to speak and to swallow
Only one out of the more than 200 bones in our bodies is free-floating, with no local attachment to other bones, but it’s no freeloader. The hyoid bone is located in the front of the neck, just below the lower jaw, carrying the weight of the tongue and playing a vital role in speech and swallowing.
Vorperian recipient of the 2010 Editor’s Award for the Speech section of the Journal of SLHR
A research article from the Vocal Tract Development Laboratory at the Waisman Center (Principal Investigator, Houri K. Vorperian, Ph.D.) is the recipient of the 2010 Editor’s Award for the Speech section of the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.