After more than a decade of navigating the health care system, he took it upon himself to help Latino families with kids with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) find resources and supports, and navigate the healthcare system.
Gail Chödrön
UCEDD Slide of the Week
Many children with developmental disabilities are not identified before age 3 years of age, preventing them from being able to fully benefit from early intervention services.
UCEDD project to address health equity for Latino families of children with developmental disabilities
Padres e Hijos en Acción and the Waisman Center UCEDD announced a $330,000 grant to improve local health care responsiveness to the needs of Latino families of children with developmental disabilities and other special health care needs in Dane County.
UCEDD – Slide of the Week
Although intervening early can improve child and family outcomes when a child has a developmental disability, most children with developmental delays are not identified prior to school entry. Childcare professionals can play a key role in identifying delays early.
Gail Chodron recieves AUCD’s 2011 Young Professional Award
Gail Chodron of the Waisman Center has been chosen to recieve the 2011 Young Professional Award
Gail Chodron selected by CDC as an Act Early Ambassador
Gail Chodron is one of 11 leaders selected from across the nation to serve as an Act Early Ambassador for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program.