Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which all cells in a person’s body have an extra copy of chromosome 21, also known as trisomy 21. Having this extra chromosome affects how an individual’s body …
50th Anniversary
Researcher clinicians help bridge the gap between scientific discovery and medical care – Part 2
There is no one “typical” type of researcher clinician. There are differences in training, percentage of focus on research vs clinic, and type of research done. Many also carry teaching and administrative responsibilities on top of their already demanding positions.
Researcher clinicians help bridge the gap between scientific discovery and medical care – Part 1
Research and clinical services go hand in hand. One can’t effectively work without the other.
Helping families navigate genetics through counseling: A history of the genetic counseling program at the Waisman Center
So, in 1976, Burns along with a few collaborators, established the Genetic Counselor Program at UW-Madison.
The Waisman Center’s Clinics champion interdisciplinary care for individuals with disabilities for 50 years
This clinic specialized in the diagnosis and care of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) – a service not easily found in the late 1960s.
Waisman BioLibrary: Building a database to boost genetic research on intellectual and developmental disabilities now and for the future
The end goal is to build a collection of information for multiple disorders, the first one being Down syndrome.
CASC Clinic: Enabling the basic human right of communication for all abilities
Without access to communication, people are isolated and frustrated and can end up having very different life experiences. If we can establish communication for a variety of individuals using alternative tools and techniques, and in so doing, increase that individual’s quality of life, I think it’s a pretty substantial impact…
Waisman’s Own Takes Interim Position in OVCRGE
CMT is a slowly progressive disease in contrast to ALS, which affects the same neurons in the peripheral nervous system.
Reaching beyond Rett Syndrome: How a family and the Waisman Center are working to improve care for those with rare syndrome
Several months after Ella’s first birthday, she received her diagnosis of Rett syndrome. “It was devastating, life changing. It’s rare – we hadn’t heard of it before we started this journey and it’s a very difficult diagnosis to process,” Jennifer says.
Branching out beyond where it’s planted: The story of the Waisman Center’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Part 2
Former UCEDD director Bill MacLean with current director Leann DaWalt.