Brooke Mortensen, NP, always wanted to be a nurse. “I’ve always enjoyed science but I also love human interaction and connection. I feel that nursing really embodies those two spirits equally,”
The rippling effect of sharing knowledge: How Project ECHO is helping create better access to resources and supports for individuals with disabilities
Accessing services, resources, and knowledgeable physicians can be a challenge for the disability community. It is often the case that the resources and information needed to properly care for individuals with disabilities is not widespread, leaving many families lacking access or needing to travel far distances.
Meredith Vitaioli named new director of the Children’s Resource Center-South
The Children’s Resource Center-South (CRC) named Meredith Vitaioli as their new director in April.
Mentor award winners guide undergraduate learning
The nominations for this year’s recipients read like a textbook of great mentoring practices – meeting students where they’re at, getting to know them as scholars and individuals, and guiding their learning with just the right mix of challenge and support.
Branching out beyond where it’s planted: The story of the Waisman Center’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Part 1
The University of Wisconsin-Madison was one of the first sites to be selected to have an IDDRC and UCEDD because of the urging of Harry Waisman, MD, PhD, a prominent researcher physician, for whom the Waisman Center is named.
Compartiendo el conocimiento: capacitación comunitaria y asistencia técnica de UCEDD para líderes en la comunidad
English Por: Charlene N. Rivera Bonet Héctor Portillo se mudó a Wisconsin en el 2003 en busca de mejores opciones de atención médica para su hijo, quien tiene autismo. Después de más de una década …
Sharing the expertise: UCEDD’s community training and technical assistance for leaders in the community
After more than a decade of navigating the health care system, he took it upon himself to help Latino families with kids with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) find resources and supports, and navigate the healthcare system.
Waisman postdoctoral training program: Training the next generation of IDD researchers
The first two years of the grant provided funding for two seminars in an academic year, but in a short span, seeing the tangible benefits these had, they expanded from two lectures a year, to two a month.
The beginning of full community inclusion: TIES supports individuals with disabilities inclusion in community since 1986
Around 1986, there was a paradigm shift across the country to bring individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) out of institutions and inclusively integrate them into the community.
Leading the Way: WI LEND trains the next generation of clinicians and advocates
LEND trainees, including graduate students, self-advocates, and families, learn to explore perspectives in disability they might not otherwise experience.