Title: Glycomacropeptide (GMP) is a bioactive peptide released from casein in milk during cheesemaking that contains no aromatic amino acids. GMP is isolated for use in medical foods for the management of phenylketonuria (PKU) based …
Slide of the Week
Houri Vorperian, PhD
Title: Hyoid bone fusion and bone density across the lifespan: prediction of age and sex Legend: Hyoid bone fusion rank definition (left panel) with images showing the same fusion rank bilaterally. The 3D Hyoid bone …
Brittany Travers, PhD
Title: Longitudinal development of grip strength in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Legend: The group with ASD demonstrated atypical motor development, characterized by similar grip strength during childhood but increasingly weaker grip strength from adolescence …
Ender Tekin, PhD
Title: Appliance displays: accessibility challenges and proposed solutions Legend: Sample LED display containing a string of digits, each of which is a standard seven-segment digit. For each digit, our algorithm estimates its bounding box (shown …
John Svaren, PhD
Title: The Sox10 transcriptional regulator binds genes important for myelin formation in both oligodendrocytes of the spinal cord and Schwann cells in peripheral nerves. Legend: The diagram shows data from next generation sequencing techniques (known …
Masatoshi Suzuki, DVM, PhD
Title: Skeletal muscle cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells Legend: Suzuki lab recently initiated a new project to establish skeletal muscle progenitor/stem cells derived from human pluripotent sources. Our culture method can produce skeletal …
Audra Sterling, PhD
Title: Examining the Language Phenotype in Children with Typical Development, Specific Language Impairment, and Fragile X Syndrome Legend: Group performance on the Third Person Singular Probe and Past Tense Probe of the Test of Early …
Leann Smith, PhD
Title: Age at menopause by CGG repeat length Legend: There was a significant curvilinear association between CGG repeat length and age at menopause (b = .003, p < .01). Neither maternal education nor smoking history …
Vanessa Simmering, PhD
Title: Four-year-olds’ selective production of verbal cues predicts their spatial skills Legend: (Top panel) Sample trials of spatial tasks children completed (A) mental transformations, (B) spatial analogies, (C) feature binding, and (D) picture rotation. (Bottom …
Kristin Shutts, PhD
Title: Young children’s automatic encoding of social categories Legend: Mean encoding scores at each age in each condition. One-sample t-tests comparing performance to chance (0) appear above each bar in the graph. Error bars depict …