Legend: Results of a study in which toddlers learned new words in environments with different levels of background noise. The solid vertical line marks the onset of the target word. The dashed vertical line marks …
Slide of the Week
Seth Pollak, PhD
Legend: The major foci in the brain that appear to show disparities in poor children are the hippocampus and frontal lobe. These 3D renderings depict the hippocampus in blue and the frontal lobe in red/yellow. …
Julie Poehlmann-Tynan, PhD
Legend: Change in HTKS total score by treatment group. Age of child controlled in analyses. DR dialogic reading only (TAU), MI mindfulness intervention Citation: Poehlmann-Tynan J, Vigna AB, Weymouth LA, Gerstein ED, Burnson C, Zabransky …
Albee Messing, VMD, PhD
TDP-43 mislocalization in a mouse model of Alexander disease Legend: Mislocalized TDP-43 colocalizes with GFAP in GfapR236H/+ mice. TDP-43 (red) and GFAP (green) immunolabeling in coronal brain sections from 10-week-old mice. Nuclei are labeled with DAPI (blue). In WT mice, TDP-43 is primarily …
Douglas W. Maynard, PhD
Title: Parents as a Team: Mother, Father, a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and a Spinning Toy Citation: Douglas W. Maynard, T A McDonald, Trini Stickle. (2015) Parents as a Team: Mother, Father, a Child …
Marsha R. Mailick, PhD
Legend: Fig. 1. Frequency of specific CGG repeat lengths >40 for men and women. Citation: Maenner MJ, Baker MW, Broman KW, Tian J, Barnes JK, Atkins A, McPherson E, Hong J, Brilliant MH, Mailick MR. (2013). …
Ruth Litovsky, PhD
Title: Listening effort, also known as cognitive load, is measured with pupil dilation (pupillometry). When speech sounds are degraded, people expend greater amount of ‘cognitive load’ to decipher the meaning of the speech. Legend: A: …
James Li, PhD
Title: Item Response Theory Analysis of ADHD Symptoms in Children with and without ADHD Legend: The “continuum” of ADHD in children. The IRT analysis shows that there is minimal clinical difference (i.e., within 1 standard …
Janet E. Lainhart, MD
Title: Longitudinal changes in cortical thickness in autism and typical development Legend: Abnormal age-related cortical thickness trajectories in ASD. Coloured brain regions identify significant group differences in age-related cortical thickness changes. Each scan is represented …
Margarita Kaushanskaya, PhD
Title: Effects of classroom bilingualism on task-shifting, verbal memory, and word learning in children Legend: Children who experienced two years of Spanish exposure in a dual-immersion classroom outperformed monolingual children when learning new made-up words …