Help us understand how babies’ eyes function changes over time! About The Study: We invite your child to take part in a research study about how a child’s visual function is related to their future …
Timothy M. Gomez, PhD – Slide of the Week
Photoreceptors (PRs) are the primary visual sensory cells, and their loss leads to blindness that is currently incurable. Although cell replacement therapy holds promise, success is hindered by our limited understanding of PR axon growth during development and regeneration.
UW researchers devise approach to treat rare, incurable form of blindness
Waisman Center investigator David Gamm, MD, PhD, and Waisman affiliate Kris Saha, PhD, have published a proof-of-concept method to correct Best disease – an inherited form of macular degeneration that causes blindness, and that is …
Ender Tekin, PhD – Slide of the Week
Loss of vision can frequently lead to a loss of independence and a reduction in quality of life for an individual. The Tekin lab is interested in harnessing new mobile technologies to provide access to environmental information for persons with vision loss.
David Gamm, MD, PhD – Slide of the Week
Numerous protocols have been described that produce neural retina from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), many of which are based on the culture of 3D organoids. While nearly all such methods yield at least partial segments of highly mature-appearing retinal structure, variabilities exist within and between organoids that can change over a protracted time course of differentiation.
UW researcher using stem cells to create ‘spare part’ for blindness
To mark the 20th anniversary of the stem cell discovery at UW-Madison, the Wisconsin State Journal featured a series of stories on stem cell research, highlighting the work of Waisman Center investigators David Gamm, Anita …
Scientists seek to improve quality control for genome editing therapies in the eye
Waisman Center investigator David Gamm, MD, PhD, and affiliate Krishanu Saha, PhD, are part of a team of scientists at the University of Wisconsin- Madison who were recently granted a major award from the National …
Ender Tekin, PhD – Slide of the Week
Children who cannot effectively read print because of a visual, physical, perceptual, developmental, cognitive or learning disability, are considered to have a print disability.
David Gamm, MD, PhD
Cell type-specific investigations commonly employ gene reporters or single-cell (sc) analytical techniques. However, reporter line development is arduous and generally limited to a single gene of interest, while scRNA-seq frequently yields equivocal results that preclude definitive cell identification.
Ender Tekin, PhD
Title: Appliance displays: accessibility challenges and proposed solutions Legend: Sample LED display containing a string of digits, each of which is a standard seven-segment digit. For each digit, our algorithm estimates its bounding box (shown …