Down syndrome is a genetic condition in which all cells in a person’s body have an extra copy of chromosome 21, also known as trisomy 21. Having this extra chromosome affects how an individual’s body …
New study to help illuminate issues for aging autistic adults
A new study from researchers at the Waisman Center and The Ohio State University will investigate aging in autistic adults.
NIH Awards $10 Million to researchers at UW-Madison and the University of Utah for landmark study on aging in autistic adults
Recent studies suggest that older adults with ASD may have shorter life expectancies and more physical and mental health difficulties than the general population. A new, landmark longitudinal study of aging and autism hopes to better understand how differences in aging may impact the health outcomes of individuals with ASD.
Autism is growing up: Living with autism as an adult
As the world’s leading autism researchers and advocates gathered at the International Meeting for Autism Research last weekend to share the latest discoveries about autism spectrum disorder, a strong theme emerged: Autism is growing up.