Childhood maltreatment leads to flattened cortisol rhythms in adolescence, a costly adaptation to an adverse environment

Adolescents who experience sustained childhood maltreatment show high, inflexible cortisol levels that persist throughout the day in different social contexts, a new study shows. This flattened cortisol rhythm may be a pathway for poorer physical and mental health in youth that experience abuse.

UW-Madison researcher working to shed light on the disability community’s experience during pandemic October 24, 2022

Isolation from family and loved ones, along with a forced split from routines and support systems, was part of life for everyone during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic — but those changes fell especially hard on the disability community. 

UW-Madison es clave en estudio emblemático enfocado en el desarrollo del cerebro infantil y el impacto del abuso de substancias y el estrés en niños e infantes

La Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) será una de las 25 instituciones que estudiarán el desarrollo temprano del cerebro y comportamiento, y el impacto de la exposición temprana a substancias – como opioides – y estresores sociales en niños e infantes. Esta nueva iniciativa, Cerebro y Desarrollo Infantil Saludable (HBCD, en inglés), es liderada por los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH, en inglés) y el Helping to End Addiction Long-termSM Initiative of the National Institutes of Health (NIH HEAL InitiativeSM).

UW-Madison is key site on landmark study focused on early childhood brain development and the impact of substance abuse and stress in infants and young children

The University of Wisconsin-Madison will be one of 25 sites to study early brain and behavior development and the impact of early exposure to substances – such as opioids – and social stressors in infants and young children.