Since 1978, more than 2.5 million Wisconsin babies have been touched by the University of Wisconsin–Madison within their first few days of being born.
WIN for the win: Wellness Inclusion Nursing helps improve quality of life of individuals with disabilities through nursing consulting
WIN is a Waisman Center Community Outreach Wisconsin (COW) program with nurses that serve as consultants for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families, caregivers, residential and vocational team members, and health care providers.
La Clínica TIES de Waisman, una clínica de psiquiatría que analiza la discapacidad y la salud mental a través de un lente holístico
English Por Charlene N. Rivera Bonet, Escritora Científica, Waisman Center Daniel Kliewer y su padre se sientan en el único auto estacionado justo afuera de la Clínica TIES del Waisman Center en la avenida Olin. …
Cómo Community TIES construye redes de apoyo para personas con discapacidades
English Por Emily Leclerc, Escritora Científica, Waisman Center Ella no se levanta del sofá. Ella se niega a moverse, eligiendo en cambio envolverse en mantas. No ha salido de casa en días. Shawn Bass sabe …
Serie Community TIES: Apoyando a las personas con discapacidades a través de la capacitación comunitaria
English Por Charlene N. Rivera Bonet, Escritora Científica, Waisman Center Con la boca bien abierta, habla lenta y pronunciación y cadencia exageradas, también conocido como lenguaje de ballenas, Josh Lapin, MSSW, director de Community TIES …
The beginning of full community inclusion: TIES supports individuals with disabilities inclusion in community since 1986
Around 1986, there was a paradigm shift across the country to bring individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) out of institutions and inclusively integrate them into the community.
El comienzo de la inclusión comunitaria total: TIES apoya la inclusión de personas con discapacidades en la comunidad desde el 1986
English Por Charlene N. Rivera Bonet, Escritora Científica, Waisman Center Alrededor del 1986, hubo un cambio de paradigma en todo el país para sacar a las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo (IDD, por …
Community TIES Series: Supporting individuals with disabilities through community training
Lapin recounts that he could sense the tension rising as his autistic client’s behavior started escalating after he had been triggered by something in the store.
How Community TIES builds support networks for individuals with disabilities
Their mission is to address the behavioral, psychological, and emotional needs of individuals with disabilities using therapeutic approaches that assure continued participation in supported society.
Gov. Evers proclaims March Developmental Disabilities Awareness
In honor of Developmental Disabilities Awareness month during March, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers issued a proclamation raising awareness and highlighting the many contributions of Wisconsinites with disabilities. The proclamation also underscores the barriers and challenges …